Malankazooie, on 29 November 2018 - 11:14 AM, said:
Not a huge sweet tooth person myself, but when the tooth fairy tells me it's ok, I do like myself some Skittles.
If you are here around the beginning February, then you should track down Girl Scouts selling cookies (they usually push their 'crack' outside supermarkets/grocery stores). I doubt Girl Scout Cookies are something that are widely available outside the U.S., so should be something new to those recently arrived here. Get a box of Thin Mints and put them in the freezer and enjoy. Also, go for any of the peanut/peanut butter type cookies - I think they are called Tagalongs and Do-si-dos
Finally, to piss off Trump, get some Oreos. I sorta remember he was mad at them or something because they were closing a factory here and moving it to Mexico. Oreo cookies dipped in a glass of ice cold whole milk is a staple every kid with red, white, and blue running through his veins grew up on.
We get skittles and oreas here. Don't get girl scout cookies. Are they actual girl scout brands? I thought they were available year round?
We don't get Hershey, we don't get twizzlers, we get m&ms but only regular chocolate and peanut. There mus tbe laods of stuff we don't get that I don't even know about.