Morgoth;109296 said:
First of all, we know the Perish have very advanced ships for the times, so it would be pretty silly for them to travel in canoes, furthermore, would they not have mentioned this in tBH? I mean, we're talking a huge number of soldiers here, a much higher number than what they put at Tavore's service.
To me, it would seem as if the people who were killed two years after the edur invasion are either grey helms or grey swords, both could be there if we're to follow the timeline I believe. Though, ofc here I may be wrong.
The people who arrived in the canoes could be barghast, but then not belonging to the barghast we met in MoI as they had lost pretty much all their connection with the sea and indeed, could possibly field that number during the early pages of MoI, but hardly at the end. Not to mention that the timeline does not match here.
There are ofc many races that these vessels could belong to, but I doubt it is any of the more modern. I personaly would rule out anything human, though ofc, I might be wrong. The human nations we've come across of a size necessary to be able to launch such an invasion/imigration should be able to use much more advanced and efficient ships.
Seguleh perhaps? The numbers seem wrong though, and I very much doubt that such a huge number of seguleh could arrive anywhere without killing enough people to be noticed.
There's too few FA left I would think.
TT? Perhaps, as they were at one point sea farers with the Barghast which would explain the use of canoes. Indeed, considering their size, the number of soldiers could be susbtantialy reduced making them perhaps more able to hide. We do not, after all, know whether any sizable colonies of TT excist on any of the continents we've yet to visite so it could be possible to muster such a number from somewhere. At the same time, this bleeds warren long way I think, which possibly rules out the TT..
Could also be edur, though then I assume we'd have heard of it in MT.
The other two tiste races would probably just use their respective warrens to travel though it is possible that the boats arrived from a warren of some kind. someone fleeing assail? That's a shot in the dark I know, but as we know there's a war there and I'm pretty sure whomever arrived with the boats did not come from one of the continents we've visited so far, Assail seems as likely -if not more so- as any. The Jheck we get a verbal glimps of in BF? Lol, at this point it seems I'm just listing names of primitive species we know little about. No, atm I think I'll stick to my TT theory until Kallor or the released book proves me wrong

As to Kilsomethingsomething, her multi jointed body and martial aspect would indeed hint at her children being FA, not TT who after all do not more than the typical amount of joints. Damn hippies.
Great prologue though. The guy in the scale mask is not Reese, just so that's clear for everyone

just wish to point this out once more ^^