airheadgreg said:
I got the impression that Dassem Ultor became Hoods man in Memories Of Ice…you know the guy with swords stuck in his hands…who never dreams…because there’s that idea that Dassem actually died… If I’m wrong any help to who each guy is will help me…

Dassem was the old Knight of Death. He left the position around about the time of his reported "death" in the GotM prologue. The new Knight of Death we see in MoI is someone else, and that someone else is Baudin.
Whiskeyjack & Dujek discuss Dassem Ultor during one of their conversations in MoI, and they flat out say that Ultor faked his death at Y'Ghatan.
As for Traveller = Dassem Ultor, I'm not sure what the definitive evidence is, or even if there is any. It just seems to fit very well. Traveller is described as Dal Honese, and Dassem Ultor was half Dal Honese (or it was the other way round). There is the troublesome matter of them having different eye colours, but SE has written around bigger discontinuities than that.
Also Traveller first appears in the company of Malazans, and not just any Malazans but a long-missing Family member (Hawl). This lends weight to the idea that he is Dassem Ultor, and has been doing something undercover within the Malazan Empire (whether with the knowledge of Laseen or without, I don't know).
But you mention the other three Family members who disappeared - the Crust brothers, and Ameron. The Crust brothers are accounted for though (Captain and Keeper) but Ameron is the other candidate for Traveller. Unfortunately Ameron is totally the wrong race to be Traveller (I forget if he was a Napan, but he certainly wasn't Dal Honese like Traveller is confirmed as). I think Ameron will surface in some other capacity.
edit: I'm neglecting the fourth lost Family member, Toc the Elder, but I don't think anyone is proposing he is Traveller. I think Father Toc met a nasty end somewhere, and that he is actually properly dead.
airheadgreg said:

Raest called Hood the Death Wanderer. But I don't think Hood was King of High House Death when Raest went into imprisonment, he took the role sometime later (I'm thinking post-Imass Ritual).
And I don't know what you are talking about with "before holds were wanderings" but Hood is widely believed to be a Jaghut, and so is not old enough to be anything like you are proposing.