We have kept our daughter out of the physical school system and opted for Virtual since we are both Working From Home right now, and the TDSB and provincial govt have mucked up school during COVID...virtual Junior Kindergarten is...interesting but we are managing.
Our son, however, is still only around 2 and so he's at daycare. Now, our Daycare reopened in July with super strict rules, screening and cohorts ect. We put him back in on Sept 1. They seemed to be managing amongst COVID well...a mild cold went round his class and took him out for about a week (I even got a mild case and it's the first time I've been sick all year). We also got him a COVID test (little trooper managed it at only 2 years old!) and he was negative. Fast forward to this past week and there are now TWO COVID positive infections in students in the daycare. Neither are in my sons cohort/classroom thankfully, so the odds he's been exposed to them is small...and apparently neither infection came from community travel of the virus
within the care centre...they both have been traced to have come from outside within those families.
That said, he was a little snuffly again today so we kept him home just in case he has a recurrence of that cold from last week (rich, careless parents at our daycare stuff their kids with meds when they are sick and send them in anyways even though they aren't supposed to, causing any given cold to go around longer than it needs to)...but now that these two covid cases have been reported, we are worried about sending him back...so we are hanging onto him till Monday to try to avoid any further spread of the virus that might make it's way into his cohort...
But it's utterly NERVE-WRACKING that even with the stringent screening in place at our care centre (and when I say they are good, I mean they are really good at this) that asymptomatic kids can wiggle through the screening (we were told the two infected kids passed the screening due to not showing symptoms) and expose other kids and staff to COVID anyways.
Like what do we do? We
would keep him home for the rest of the year with his sister (again because we are able to work from home right now it's certainly POSSIBLE; if not ideal) but then we would either pay for the empty $100/day spot at our daycare or lose the spot and never get another one in the city.
It's just brutal all around that even after doing the right shit for 6 months, we have to deal with exposure to this virus through the cracks.
Anyways, just ranting...my city is the whole countries real COVID fire and has been for a long time.
We are hopefully getting approved for a mortgage soon so we can move out of the city FINALLY...but it's a long process and we keep missing out on houses because they go so fast in a hot market...
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 14 October 2020 - 07:23 PM
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon