Lady Bliss, on 21 November 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
So I've been reading stories suggesting that the weapons found at Al Shifa were staged. I could actually believe this. Why would Hamas leave their weapons behind?
Because they're running for their lives, could care less what they leave behind, and it's easier to move through the streets full of enemy soldiers without guns and explosives in a bag likely to be searched at gunpoint.
But both sides are very well practiced at this. If Hamas is not there i expect Israel to produce something, and if Israel produces something i expect Hamas to call it fake, and supporters of both will insist their side is right.
amphibian, on 21 November 2023 - 02:54 AM, said:
I look at it like this - what justifies bombing a bunch of hospitals and other ethnic cleansing things? Whatever that answer is, it's not this.
Those answers only ever matter to the people ordering the thing done.
Gorefest, on 21 November 2023 - 08:32 AM, said:
It is abhorrent. At the same time, Hamas have already demonstrated that they have absolutely no qualms with adopting the human shield approach, as in their eyes every Palestinian is already a martyr and should gladly die for the privilige of killing Jews and discrediting Israel because it is a straight ticket to heaven. Meanwhile, most of the leaders are sheltering safely abroad.
The degree to which the Israeli response was predictable and Hamas leaned into it is infuriating. 'restraint' and 'proportionality' went right in the trash, just as everyone involved knew it would. Hamas knew what would happen, Israel knew what the consequences would be and went for it anyways.