I'm here. I'll be looking to connect to people in tier 1.
Shame we can't continue as we had orders in from CF and tapper, alas lost to the forum.
Hah. I had an open post I was editing. So long as I don't hit refresh it's good.
Turn 1
IH -
Research Improved Hulls -3 Sci
($3, S0, M:3, upkeep 0)
Morgoth -
Research - Gauss shield -2 sci and
Research - Improved Hull -3 sci.
( $ 2, M 2, S 0)upkeep 0
CF -
Research improved hulls. -3 sci + (-$2)
( $ 0, S 0, M 3)upkeep 0
Conversion source
Tapper -
Explore to the North-West into ring 2 source
206 Epsilon Indi
discovery tile +8 money 03 source
($10, μ2, *3) (-1 upkeep)
Khell -
EXPLORE South and South-West
325 Tau Librae
Keep yes
influence no
rotation rotate Tau Librae two degrees anticlockwise. Influence Iota Persei.
colonize no
208 Iota Persei
Keep yes
influence yes
rotation Rotate Iota Persei one degree anti-clockwise,
colonize no
Discovery == Free Ancient Tech 02 == Nanorobots
Leaves 4, Branches 4, Roots 4 (-1 upkeep)
D'rek -
Research Improved Hull Cost: 3 science >>
(m2 / s1 / t3) (-0 upkeep)
GP - Provisional confirmed
Explore South East of homeworld into Tier 2.
203 Chi Draconis
rotation - position 6 (N,SE,SW,NW)
(3$/3S/5M Upkeep -0)
Gnaw -
Explore: SE into sector II. Source
212 Lambda Fornacis (auto discard)
213 Iota Bootis
Rotation - position 3 (NE,SE,S,NE)
colonize - no
(3,3,3 -1 upkeep)
Twelve -
Explore SE of Eta Geminorum
204 Vega
Rotation - SW, NW, N & SE (position 6)
(3$, 2S, 4M) (-0 upkeep)
Turn 2
IH - Provisional in ModGod's mailbox.
explore tier 2 next, assuming twelve explores the one to the left, I will explore to the right.
281 Delta Corvi
Assume I'm going to colonise it as well,
orient it to connect to tier 1... the exact orientation is going to depend on what twelve does I'm afraid
resource count ($3, S 5, M 3, -2 upkeep)
Morgoth -
Explore - Tier 2, straigt north
201 Alpha Centauri
Rotation - ?
colonize - ?
resources ?
CF -
Tapper -
Khell -
D'rek -
GP -
Drek Quote
I thought we'd switch to the already-existant eclipse thread in the Entertainment forum. Oh well, whatever.
Copied from other thread:
So let's actually move things here because as IH notes we're clogging the Inn thread.
I agree with Gnaw that if Khell+Gnaw cut-off Tatts' tier 1 he'll find other options. It'd be really hard to actually manage to cut him off there with only half-wormholes - more likely he'll have at least one full wormhole into one of the tier 1 hexes, but the key is that he won't own the tier 1 hex. If you do somehow cut him off completely, yeah he will use warp portals or explore around.
But either way, not letting Tatts have a tier 1 hex means we don't have to worry so much about Orion getting a big start by taking the GC. The races that can take the GC early are usually Orion, Eridani, Mechanema and Hydrani. The last two are fairly situational about it, and with our layout I think they'll counter each other anyways. No Eridani.
That leaves Tatts as Orion - we have to check him from being too aggressive early on when no one can really stop him. Researching up the Improved Hulls so he couldn't was great. Now I think Khell and Gnaw (who didn't partake in the Improved Hull researches and so got a head start on explores anyways) should do their part and isolate Tatts a bit..
Twelve Quote
So what are you and Tapper going to do about the fungal growth that everyone seems to scream about in the early stages of the game?
Drek Quote
twelve, on Oct 24 2013, 03:27 PM, said:
So what are you and Tapper going to do about the fungal growth that everyone seems to scream about in the early stages of the game?
Well, for now if it gets too close to me I'm going to go berserk and burn it to mush.
But I see it right now as a bit of a Tapper-short term, D'rek-long term. Tapper can and should keep the pressure up in the early rounds with his extra colony ship resources. I'm not a race with a strong start, but the typical Planta strategy is to grow a big cone into the tier 3s and selectively choose what hexes to keep (ie Morgoth in game 1). I'm planning to explore right along the Planta tier 3 borders, and in round 4 I should have wormhole generators, making the usual Planta bottleneck around their homeworld not so effective.
Ah!!! Those pesky Lyra wormhole generator shrine bonuses. That does make backdooring the planta a viable strategy.
IH Quote
What about the lyra? From my games the lyra are the new planta, really, really difficult to stop if you let them get going
I do like what you're doing though D'rek, setting your three neighbours against each other
I'm trying to decide whether I'm going to explore to neighbour gnaw and twelve and get some diplo going, or block off CF, guess it depends what CF and Tapper found.
This post has been edited by Ganoes Paran: 25 October 2013 - 10:36 AM