Malazan Empire: Mentalist - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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User Rating: *****

Reputation: 1260 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
High House Mafia
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18,783 (2.98 per day)
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MAFIA (4934 posts)
06-June 07
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User is offline Yesterday, 09:35 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Martyr of High House Mafia
36 years old
October 10, 1987
'sauga/GTA, City of the Lion
Soccer, Chess, swimming, books, misc

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Skype  pavlo.tvedokhlib

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  1. resolutions, 2024 edition.

    03 January 2024 - 11:51 PM

    So, let's not clog up the doomposting thread. I'm actually feeling comparatively upbeat, b/c I've been climbing out of the rut that was most of 2023. The burnout from the war-related news/adrenaline, combined with the gutpunch of my grandmother passing away, and then the adjustment of having my last grandfather come live with us meant that I was content to slink away to the beachhouse for a big part of the year and recuperate in solitude, feeling like a hermit. However, towards the end of the year I've snapped that mentality (as elucidated earlier in the Happy thread), and since i'm burnt out of feeling down, I am willing to look at the world with unreasonable optimism. And that means, plans and goals.

    I'm still planning to spend a big portion of the year away at the lake, given I can work from home anywhere, and beach & swimming is basically ideal for my psyche. However, other things need to happen to make life more varied, and to be dealing with all aspects of life.

    1) Health: get back to optimal weight (83-87 kg) by April.
    2) Leisure: select a new bike to buy by April
    3) Leisure: Follow the lists for books and gaming (see respective threads)
    4) Social: make sure to meet up with the friends left around the GTA at least once a month. With one of my best friends and neighbout moving to Ottawa last summer, I now find myself in a position of having to organize meetups
    5) Leisure: random goal for the year is to git gud at darts. We've bought a fancy darts board one of the first years we came to Canada on a Garage sale, and it's always been my white whale, with my mom insisting we don't have a good place to hang it. With a brand new house and an un-finished basement, we now definitely have a place.
    6) Social: while I am in town, regularly attend trivia club
    7) Leisure" figure out a place to play pool by the lake
    8) health: continue playing indoor soccer. Figure out if there's an outdoor league by the lake
    9) personal: Set up a drive exam date by my birthday. It's annoying, but I need to rip off the bandaid and get my license.
    10) social: spend January reaching out to friends and family. With people that respond, make sure to talk to them at least once every 2 months.
    11) Financial: Generally, the year that just ended was pretty decent, all things considered. Due to a bonus from work, I've ended the year with much higher balance than I've had in the past few. The goal is to float at least 7-9k balance at each quarter.
    12) personal: need to work on sleep habits. Shut the PCs no later than 12:30 on worknights.


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  1. Photo


    09 Oct 2023 - 20:46
    happy birthday, say hi to the guys in ICU from me ;)
  2. Photo


    09 Oct 2022 - 20:38
    happy another birthday dude
  3. Photo


    10 Oct 2021 - 02:00
    Need photographic evidence you are indeed still in one piece. Happy birthday dude
  4. Photo


    10 Oct 2020 - 01:51
    And again.
  5. Photo


    09 Oct 2019 - 19:51
  6. Photo


    09 Oct 2018 - 19:56
    happy birthday, try to stay in one piece
  7. Photo


    12 Feb 2015 - 21:30
    I hope you won't mind mate, but I copied and posted that "poem" thing you posted on the West Vs Russian interest thread.. You know, the one that starts off about how pathetic Europe is or has become.. Liked it so much that I had to post it. Keep up the good work on reporting about anything new.. Peace out to you friend..
  8. Photo


    18 Dec 2014 - 15:32
    'Tis a pleasure. I really appreciate your comments on Ukraine and Russia.
  9. Photo


    31 Oct 2009 - 04:10
    + rep for "they can manipulate their way into a Spite/Envy foursome if needed"
  10. Photo


    05 Mar 2009 - 19:06
    Wow. I was reeeeaaaalllllll close with that one! :)
  11. Photo


    05 Mar 2009 - 05:00
    You originally from Kiev, Ment? I'm getting that vibe from you with the Eastern Europe and K-town thing.
  12. Photo


    03 Nov 2008 - 21:41
    Good luck with the back dude, that sucks! Lectures are one of the reasons I do not miss Uni :)
  13. Photo


    10 Oct 2008 - 09:15
    Happy Birthday! :)
  14. Photo


    10 Oct 2008 - 08:03
    Happy Birthday. :)
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