Ok, problem fixed. A quite different set of points and statements, though: I hate to type things twice. Shame.
GA: Education is pretty obvious. Do I really have to explain what it is? Back to school with you!
GG: Measurement and quantification are the same thing and IQ is your answer, of course. Its clumsy but it pretty much works (its not as exact as it looks, but its never wildly out: a very intelligent person is never going to get <75, unless they...anti-cheat and give wrong answers intentionally, and a very stupid person never >125, for example)
And I never said we were better, and never would. I said more intelligent. One has nothing to do with the other. My post didnt have a single value statement in it (bar allusion to the economic status of PC owners and the freedom of the rich to pursue education and frivilous posting on the internet).
And self-delusion has nowt to do with this. I know myself well enough, thank you. This is about you, not me. Well, so far its 1/49th about me. There are clear reasons for me stating that people on these boards, and this room in particular, are more intelligent than average (and my personal experience of debating with you all, having one of my points shot between the eyes in the next post, for example, is consistent with that).
I really dont see that the connection between reading for pleasure and intelligence has to be fleshed out (asside from anything else I did so quite exhaustatively in my lost post and cant be bothered). Some things are pretty obvious. It doesnt necesarrily follow that if youre intelligent you read a lot, or that you have to read a lot to be intelligent, but if you read a lot then the chances are good that you are intelligent, and if you're on an authors webiste the chances are good that you read a lot.
Plus we are all sitting at home, reading a thread in a religious duscission forum. That narrows the group that voted down to those that like to discuss abstract concepts, or at least lurk and read the debates, as well as read in general. I'd say that theres a higher chance the regulars in 'religion' and 'discussions' are more intelligent than average even if people that read regularly arent.
Wiggles, GA and rodeo: I'm not trying to say that theres a direct causal "If __ Then" link between religiosity and intelligence. I do think that a religious person of any sort has a silly view of the world, not entirely, but in great part, but certainly not that they're automatically stupid.
I dont like the way the language here is going: its getting to close to the 'if - then' type so I'd just like to clarify at this point: the vast majority of my argument is statistical or asociative, and I've carefully qualified the language to remove any if-then statements of the type "if youre religious you must be stupid", because thats not true and its not what I'm getting at. I'm sure everyone agrees with that, so can we avoid taking the discussion that way please, people: it'll only end in tears!
In point of fact several of the most intelligent people I know, or have ever met, are devout christians. One of thems even a young-earth creationist. The rationalisations and double-thinks they come up with to argue with and maintain their beliefs are particularly deviously effective because they're so clever (and it makes debating with them a lot of fun!).
So, to restate the point (remember what the point was? It wasnt that fantasy readers are all braniacs, I hope that bee is out of your bonnet now): Education and higher socio-economic status in global context decreases your chances of being religious.
Additionally, were you to adopt a religion, the chances are very good that itll be the one where you live, the one your parents had, which rather strongly points to religion being a set of mythologies and practices we teach children, and are carried into adulthood, and so posing the question: whats so divine about that? Anyone can indoctrinate a child.
(note qualified language, this isnt a proof, just part of the mountain of evidence).
And if people dont like the statement that heavy readers that visit a religious debate forum are probably of above average intelligence, on average....then...errr...I dunno what to tell you. Dont put yourself down!...?? Here, take this, just for a laugh, and if enough people take it it'll be a nice little test for the "....more intelligent" thing...stick 'iq test' in google and you get
http://uk.tickle.com/test/iq.html (I took ti to check it doesnt ask for your card details or pester you for anything before it gives you the result: just an ad to skip. I got 138, but its 10 to 2 here am I am pretty tired

). Go for it!