Ok, since we have a tolerably large statistacal sample now (50 poeple is hardly ideal, but its not getting much bigger and the trends there arent going to change) lets do something with it, eh?
Here we have a cross section of the fantasy-reading, internet using section of the public: We're from different countries, theres a few different first languages in here, there may be a bias to being male geekiness of fantasy and forum posting, but there are quite a few women here, so I dont think its too significant, or consequential. What do we have in common? Its safe to say we're all well educated, above average intelligence, at least modestly affluent or from modestly affluent families (though by global standards we're all pretty rich just for being sat infront of a PC: we have it good mate!) and from developed countries.
Here are the global stats:
We are, as of posting,
46% Atheist
16% Agnostic
23% Christian
10% Other
Plus misc
33% Christian
21% Islam
14% Hindu
16% Not religous (including both atheist and agnostic: the total of these two on this board is 61%)
Plus misc
Please excuse me if you're part of "Misc": no slight is intended whatsoever, but you have insignificant statistical relevance
The implications are pretty obvious: all things being equal, education reduces the chances of one being religious significantly. If you can contradict it reasonably I'll be happy to hear it.
[Proven nice and wrong, take no notice!] since the only significant religion present here is christianity, and we're all decadent book-reading, PC owning/using types, its fairly clear that christianity is the richest religion (this may be verified, but I cant be bothered), and therefore the most powerfull (also pretty obvious) which, I would contend, is far more responsible for its proliferation than any truth to it. [/Proven nice and wrong, take no notice!]. There is still likely a lot of truth to the conneciton between the greater media command and frequent-flier status of christianity being it being the biggest religion in the world, but its not shown by this. A discusion for another time!
In addition it means that if youre going to be religious then youre almost certainly going to be the dominant one of where youre from, which begs the question: what more is there too any religion than a set of mythologies and customs that are taught to children and carried into adult life?