Esa1996, on 08 September 2015 - 09:24 AM, said:
Andorion, on 08 September 2015 - 02:18 AM, said:
amphibian, on 07 September 2015 - 05:32 PM, said:
Andorion, on 07 September 2015 - 01:55 AM, said:
Blonde hair gene is recessive there as it is here in the real world.
Robert's dark hair "should" have come out over the Lannister blonde - which means the kids are "undoubtedly" Jaime + Cersei's.
As for Tywin butchering the deer, it's to show that he's very good at doing savage things himself in the service of a higher plan, which he's also good at making. Also, it showcases his lack of sensitivity towards his own.
What I don't get is why doesn't Tywin straight up take the throne? The king is dead, the Lannisters are the one with a huge army in the field. His allies hold the capital,....either be the king, or put Jaime on the throne. Why use Joffrey who is an idiot and needs to have his hand held?
Also, yesterday I decided that I need to get some good long-cord headphones for my PC. There is simnply no way I can watch GoT without them. There was that scene, when the two courtesans were 'training' with each other and Littlefingers was waxing eloquent about his love for Catelyn....if I want to hear the dialogue I need the volume at a decent level, only that brings up more,,,,, diverse sound effects as well.

The other Great Houses wouldn't like Tywin taking the throne as he has no claim to it. They would see it as another usurpation and might declare war against him.
How many great houses are we talking about exactly? As I see it they have already amde enemies of the Baratheons, the Starks and the Tullys, not to mention the Vale. So how many hoouses are still neutral? I am a bit hazy on the details of the politics.