Thank you Lord, nice to see you again
ok, just a couple more questions you've opened for me...
Coltaine reborn, will he have a role in future books? Not in this series, I don't think. I may change my mind, but don't put money on it.
Does this mean there is DEFINITELY going to be another Malazan Series? Please?
Also, you mentioned that MT would include Trull. Does this not mean it will include Onrack etc.? Or are they all killed off in the prologue? Or is MT just the Trull's story? I suppose you can't really answer any of those but its worth a try...
er...something else...what was it...hmmm...ah yes! Is there any more info on the Encyclopedia? Will it be produced after the books pr during them? also, your books would no longer hold that sense of mystery because of the way you plunge us into the middle of your world with no info, revealing things only slowly, becasue the encyclopedia would tell us everything...Or will it? lol, that was ratehr long winded and useless, basically, im just asking for some more info on the Encyclopedia...
thanks again, you have the rather useless admiration of The Shadowlord...
How many times, dear traveller, will you walk the same paths?