Avatar, on 01 April 2017 - 07:40 AM, said:
This game is just so much empty space! So much time wasting! One of the final story missions requires me to leave one galaxy, visit three others to launch probes and then return to the original galaxy just to get permission to proceed! For the love Of God why!
Another random side mission tasked me with finding a crashed ship. Die to interference I could only narrow down its location to 5 possible locations across the entire planets map. So i just had to drive to to each of them one after the other. Added nothing to the story of the mission. Just dragged it out by ten to 15 min for nothing.
The plot holes! You drive a. Blackhole through them!
Yeah, the first game was seriously guilty of sacrificing gameplay for storytelling. A lot of it succeeds if you're the type that likes digging into every side mission and exploring every spot on every map to find every last artifact. If you don't though, it comes across as a 3/5 at best.
If you enjoyed the first game enough to at least give it a 3/5, keep going. The second game has some of the best gameplay to storytelling ratio that I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy.
Cause was talking about MEA right?
Yes I was birthing about Andromeda. I like 1. LOVED 2. Enjoyed 3.