Panador, on 08 March 2010 - 09:05 AM, said:
The Iskaral Pust & Kruppe scene was nice, but somewhat lacking imo, two of the weirdest, talkative characters get physical after a, for them, relatively short conversation.
I'd LOVE a conversation between Kruppe & Tehol & Bugg (& Iskaral Pust), I can't even properly express the sheer awesomeness this would be.

Also, Kruppe meeting his daughters would be great I guess (haven't finished DoD yet, so I'm still holding out hope it'll happen in this book).
Kindly & Pores are also great, Telorast and Curdle as well.
Hellian.. phew.... she's also very nice, but I'm going back and forth between "hehe" and "get sober for once ffs!" with her.
Come to think of it, SE has got some of the funniest/weirdest characters I've ever known, in book as well as in television, games, whatever. I love ASoIaF as well but in that department MBotF beats it hands down.
I agree. Kruppe, Tehol, Bugg and Pust (and his mule) all in one scene together would just be insanely awesome. Erikson, if you're reading this, MAKE IT HAPPEN please!!!!
ASoIaF has very little humor in it. It's the darkest series I've ever read--depressingly so. Once you start to really like a character, Martin will kill him or her off in such a brutal, violent way. Obviously, the Malazan books blow away any other series in comedic value.