Recently and finally got the Star Trek TNG 4-movie BluRay set, and the wife and I re-watched it all over the last week.
GENERATIONS: It's still good, and there are a number of things good about it...but it's FAR too much of a hand-off movie from the old cast to the new with Kirk in so much of it. That is a little saved by the banter between Picard and Kirk, but still. Solid good, but nothing more.
FIRST CONTACT: The absolute pinnacle of Trek film of this era, it is well written, directed, scored, edited. It's also the one that feels the most like a cinematic experience. I have nothing bad to say about it. EDIT: Oh, and in May this year Jonathan Frakes was asked if Data and the Borg Queen did the deed, and he said "Of course they did". LOL I've always wondered because it's only implied.
INSURRECTION: People are hard on this film, and I think it's because the stakes are, for the most part, so small and you would not expect that in a cinematic film. The funny thing is, if this were a two-part episode I feel like it would be beloved by the fans. As is, watching it years later I loved it more than I think I ever did before. It's a wonderful couple of hours with the Enterprise crew doing what they do best, saving a planet/people from the nefarious plot to kill them. Solid action, mixed with solid character development, and more humour than I expected.
NEMESIS: Jeezus...I think my brain was kinder to this one in hindsight because upon my first re-watch since seeing it in theatre it is the absolute NADIR of the whole of Trek movies (Like I could make a solid case that FINAL FRONTIER is better than this...). There are good moments at the beginning, and a solid last 5 minutes once the threat is gone (5 minutes that lead cleanly into PICARD actually), but for a movie with a tonne of action....fuck all really happens. I think they really thought that the whole clone of Picard thing was going to get way more response than it does. The thing is, we've DONE "evil" Picard with Locutus and even revisited it and the ptsd of it with FIRST this falls flatter than flat. And Tom Hardy is AWFUL while trying to do a Patrick Stewart impression. But yeah, the whole thing hinges on a really dull plot point. Even the Romulans seem ineffectual in this one and they are supposed to be a big threat overall. If I could erase 85% of this film from my memory....I would. Happily. My wife asked why we didn't get to see the Riker / Troi Betazed wedding in the nude...LOL
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 26 October 2020 - 11:50 AM
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
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