polishgenius, on 09 December 2019 - 05:39 PM, said:
I dunno about that Ghostbusters trailer. There was like one joke in it. The original wasn't a kid/teenage adventure movie. I hope I'm wrong but it feels like this one owes as much to the post-Stranger-Things trend as to the actual original film and I'm worried we're gonna end up with Super 8 with a flashy title.
1. The original film was a Supernatural thriller...which happened to star some very funny people, who brought their funny to the role. It is not a comedy, nor is it structured as one. And if you go and watch the original trailer it had one joke in it too, while deadly serious shit is going down. So many people remember GB as a comedy, and it simply isn't. It's got lots of comedic elements in it, but it's a serious film with a serious tone throughout...and if you remove all the supernatural and thriller/horror elements, it would not work. That's the balance that the 2016 version completely failed to strike...it basically thought "It's a comedy with ghosts in!"....which simply is the worst reading of the 1984 film and Paul Fieg was in way over his head when he assumed that's what it was.
2. This is a long sequel to the original films, so moving the pylons to "kid-adventure movie" is inherently smart since they don't want to re-hash the originals and get themselves into a "The Force Awakens" rehash tight spot. It also allows you to grown them and change up the status quo of what GB IS as a franchise. That's smart too.
3. The most watched thing amongst youth right now, or recently was....ding ding ding....STRANGER THINGS. 80's vibe, teens/tweens VS supernatural Big Bad. As such, this is a smart play to get not just those of us who grew up on these flicks into the theatre, but the demographic that is most important, youth.
4. Tying it to the first movie (Ivo Shandor/Gozer) and the video game should be the call sign for the fact that this isn't just going to be "Super 8 with a flashy title", because it means that Jason had his father Ivan's help in long sequeliszing his films, diving into one of the best aspects about the originals. That Ray and Egon were DEEP into gothic/Supernatural lore and that was a solid backbone that the originals were set against. As such, knowing that Egon clearly kept working to that end before he died, not only makes sense, but allows for some brand new world building.
Abyss, on 09 December 2019 - 06:26 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 09 December 2019 - 04:09 PM, said:
Note to Sony: THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE WANTED FROM THE BEGINNING. Not a goofy Feig-reboot...but a long sequel to the original films that honours them, but blazes it's own path.
Casting the OG GB's in this in smaller parts is also great (Yes, that's Venkman's voice narrating).
I am so in! This movie is going to make bank....
I want to believe, but i think there is more nostalgia than concept at work, and people tend to forget that GHOSTBUSTERS 2 wasn't actually that good.
I will defend GB II til my dying breath. Yes, some of it retread the first film, and it was goofier on the whole...but I like it a LOT and still feel like the concept of a city that almost all WITNESSED ghosts, demons, and a giant marshmallow man with their own eyes....5 years later refused to believe it and bought into the notion that the GB's caused it with lights and effects and the GB's subsequently got sued into the ground as a result. Say what you will, that's a FANTASTIC place to take the sequel without turning it into a complete repeat.
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 09 December 2019 - 06:37 PM
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