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Malazan Mafia 32 Its a Disco Inferno...

#1001 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:26 PM

View PostLisheo, on Oct 20 2008, 01:14 PM, said:

View Postdrinksinbars, on Oct 20 2008, 10:59 AM, said:

View PostVengeance, on Oct 17 2008, 09:05 PM, said:

View PostLacedaemonian, on Oct 17 2008, 03:01 PM, said:

Venge is defo marking himself - he will have to do a lot to prove otherwise for me. I made a handful of posts from about 4pm. Apparently I posted all day? I followed no voting patterns and had no intention to vote.

Yet you still voted. If Morgy had been lynched and you had left your vote on all day I would be looking at you. You did have several opportunities to remove your so called joke vote but you didn't.

you removed your vote on alt after the lynch, i dont get why this is suspicious, as i dont suspect you for it veng, why is it so strange? Its bloody pointless, but its not scummy in my eyes, instead of removing association it strengthens it.

View PostLisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 12:59 PM, said:

View PostJ_Slr, on Oct 17 2008, 07:46 PM, said:

View Postdrinksinbars, on Oct 17 2008, 08:25 PM, said:

View PostYellow, on Oct 17 2008, 07:18 PM, said:

View PostJ_Slr, on Oct 17 2008, 07:11 PM, said:

Well If I die at least you guys will know where to look.... :)

Lol, how many games ago was it that Ruse got lynched for saying this exact thing?

WIFOM, WIFOM, everywhere, and not a drop to drink!

i think that i led that charge and it was against bent :D

though in this case i think tis cause i said gem would kill him for callin her fat

of course we can ignore that cause i said it in such small wroiting and if he doesnt die, bam lynch tomorrow as scum. If alt is inno, he was the first to vote for him too!! Damnit angry yellow your good at this game :)

First off I stick my origional reason for the vote, he was too lynch happy, and secondly! I voted second...

Its just a shot in the dark but what if Alt was a symp and one of the killers voted off one of the people gunning for him as revenge, once they thought we wouldn't be able to work out who they were?

lisheo you mention symps more than any other player in the game. In fact i think out of your 100 odd posts you probably talk about symps in 80 of them and vote in the rest.

View PostTapper, on Oct 18 2008, 05:09 PM, said:

Oh, and it wasn't Yellow, so this was the quote I meant.

To put on the pressure:

vote Lacedaemonian

it was yellow - this is just untrue. Yellow said about voting for lace because he plays an unconventional game, can you provide a quote that proves it was jslr as you implied with your vote.

View PostLisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 05:39 PM, said:

Alright, I agree with adding another vote, but I won't be responsible for another inno lynch, so if it looks like a train, Im removing it if we dont get some serious evidence. While I dont agree with it (the personal insults jar with me a bit), I like Lace's style of playing.

Vote Lace

Sorry mate! :p

View PostGem Windcaster, on Oct 18 2008, 06:11 PM, said:

vote Lace

For being annoying, and because he thinks he can't get lynched. You underestimate our viciousness, young padawan.

Edit: yes, he needs to answer our questions...

View PostLisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 06:35 PM, said:

@Grief: Damn. In that case
remove vote

gtg again. Back soon enough.

View PostLisheo, on Oct 18 2008, 06:49 PM, said:

Right, Im back ealier than expected. :p yes, Lace, I'm trying hard to sit on the fence tonight. Gavin and someone else made comments about being neutral, and they struck a chord with me. I still consider you suspicious, so...
Vote Lace (again) But don't hold it against me. :p

EDIT: change from em something else to fence lmao damn drunkenness. :p

here we have lisheo then gem, then lisheo removing and then almost immeadiately voting again. None of his posts show any form of reasoning but an awful lot of "dont mind me while i lynch you" comments towards lace.

Hav e to see i am only a wee bit through the weeknd but lisheo is looking terribly sympish, for th esimple fact that its the only role he ever talks about. On a side note he also says things like alt was a symp and his masters responded to his death by killing jslr, well if he is a symp they dont know who he is, unless grief has changed their remit for the game and lisheo is actually the master. Now this could just be a noob error, but i think if lisheo is our symp he has got things slightly muddled. If he is symping someone, he has proclaimed himself pro morgoth, and follows tapper quite readily.

I understand accusing another player of soemthing is likley to annoy some of you, but read lisheos posts and just marvel at how often he talks about or speculates on the symp role and how the masters plans relate to it.

I am still keeping my vote where it is, as i think morgo is the master.

Another point is that the switch from morgo to alt was pushed by lisheo and tapper. posts like if so and so switch right now we will get a lynch, and agressive pushing toward that fact.


@ja - thats a very uncomplicated game your playing.

Firstly, I removed my vote because I expected to be gone for much longer than i actually was, and I didn't intend to vote someone off when i wasn't sure of them. However, like most people, I thought putting pressure on him might be a good idea, his playing style, while interesting, is detrimental to actually finding the killers, and I didnt agree with his personal comments.

Actually the vote for Alt was started by Gavin and J_slr, and pushed by Vengeance and Tapper and Gem, much more than me.

Secondly, you complain about me talking about symps and then label me one? Somewhat hypocritical, there, ain't it? I supported the pro-morgoth case because a lot of votes seemed, to me, to be based on the fact that he was sending messages to spoiler heaven, which isn't a crime. For all we know, he could be the vigilante role and using his messages as a means of clarifying everything for himself, and heavens knows the vig role could be useful later, as could any of the other innocent roles. We can't vote off any innocents straight off, on "feelings". Although I know I did that with Alt.

Lastly, talking about symps makes more sense because from what I understand about this game, the killers find it easier if they lay low and don't make themselves obvious, this way they don't get involved in any of these discussions. Symps are there to muddy the waters, make things confusing and make sure the killers don't get caught. You've grouped together a very large group, put them all under suspicion. Could that be sympish behaviour?

And lastly, me symping Tapper? You really think that??? I haven't symped him, I voted with him over lace for the reasons stated above.

One thing in this game that i have grown to appreciate is that if a player is constantly talkign about a particular role the majority of the times that players role is the one they are speaking off or directly realted to it. I am sorry lisheo, but talking about symps is pretty much pointless as i stated above. We can never be sure who the symps are until we reach spoiler heaven and read it in the list of roles. Yes they muddy the water if they are experienced and aggressive, but plenty of times we have had symps who lay low and just add their voice to the lynch trains as they go past.

Plenty of times we have had symps killed by their masters because the symps were so well hidden (DK was the last i think a few games back).

Tapper doesnt need to be a kilelr for you to symp him.

#1002 User is offline   Gem Windcaster 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:30 PM

Okay guys, if you feel you must lynch me off, then fine, it's the only thing I'm good for anyway in this game. If you do happen to lynch me off - which might or might not happen - I suggest you take a look at Lace, The Dude and Gavin. Maybe Silencer too - as I've already stated Silencer should know better than play the way he does.

It has been argued that the way I and alt played is scummy - well it is also the way innocents play - attracting as much attention of the killers as possible. I myself want to be nk'd, because it's much more fun than being lynched, but hey, whatever right? :)
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#1003 User is offline   Lisheo 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:32 PM

Ha DK got killed by his master lmao? :)

I suppose you have a point here. I don't really think its very likely that we will get any of the killers on day two, especially as the weekend has been so quiet, but I have to hesitate, therre's a lot of players who have said nothing with much content and haven't posted much. I at least have tried to work with what we've got, which is just two dead innos. Maybe my theories have been off the wall, but I can't see the sense in just lying down and waiting to be nked without theorizing on who's gonna do it.
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#1004 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:41 PM

Remove Vote
as I will definately need it elsewhere today.

@ DiBs: other people following me is probably because it suits their purposes. I personally didn't notice the cross-over between Morgoth and me all that much. I think on day 1 I didn't react on any of his in-game posts but spent time on discussion of my sig. I most certainly didn't actually agree with him to my recollection, apart from possibly voting for Yellow together, then the lowest poster with a staggering total of 1. Today is maybe a tad bit different but that is mostly because he himself put his link with me under a magnifying glass.

As for you being expected to find all the killers: it's indeed a group effort and not your duty alone.
Fact is, I've seen a few possible attempts at symping and I've been reading back on them, hoping to trace who they symp, but one of them targets me and Lisheo? I've largely discarded him. he's currently hopping on and off, so maybe I didn't pay enough attention to him. Lastly, there's Venge's odd move. As for real scummy killer behaviour: I haven't seen anything yet, but will read back on Morgoth since you seem pretty convinced. Least I can do is make up my mind about that.

This post has been edited by Tapper: 20 October 2008 - 12:47 PM

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#1005 User is offline   Jump Around 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:44 PM

View PostGem Windcaster, on Oct 20 2008, 03:30 PM, said:

Okay guys, if you feel you must lynch me off, then fine, it's the only thing I'm good for anyway in this game.

This attempt to play with our compassion shall not work, for we are a bunch of cold bastards :) :)

#1006 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:46 PM

It is day two. There are 10 hours, 15 minutes remaining.

16 dancers still getting down: Baudin,Dktorode, DrinksinBars, Gavin, Gem, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Morgoth, Obdigore Silencer, Tapper, The Dude,Vengeance, Yellow,

9 votes to lynch, 8 to go to night.

2 Votes Morgoth: DiBs, Lacedaemonian
2 Votes Lacedaemonian: Vengeance, Gem Windcaster
2 Votes Gem: Silencer, Yellow
3 votes Vengeance: Jump Around, Lisheo, Dktorode
1 vote Drinksinbars : Morgoth

Players yet to vote: Baudin, Gavin, Mocker, Obdigore, The Dude, Tapper

This post has been edited by Grief: 20 October 2008 - 12:51 PM

Cougar said:

Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful

worry said:

Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).

#1007 User is offline   Gem Windcaster 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:46 PM

Silly JA, I was being honest. I know every well you guys don't have any compassion, it's a matter of life and death, incidentally.

Edit: what's the Vengeance case anyway?

This post has been edited by Gem Windcaster: 20 October 2008 - 12:46 PM

_ In the dark I play the night, like a tune vividly fright_
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#1008 User is offline   dktorode 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:51 PM

View PostGem Windcaster, on Oct 20 2008, 02:46 PM, said:

Silly JA, I was being honest. I know every well you guys don't have any compassion, it's a matter of life and death, incidentally.

Edit: what's the Vengeance case anyway?

So why did you sign up?

Case on venge is that he was against the lynch on alt, yet voted anyways. He seemed to know that alt would come up inno.

Why dont they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff?

#1009 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:51 PM

I hate meetings when playing Mafia.

@ DiBs: yes, you;re just one person. Incidentally, one person is all it takes to make a case and present a previously unseen point of view. So, I do believe that one person can force a lynch, by presenting a case that is either decent and can't be ignored/ is not ignored, or by reflecting on someone elses motives. People jump on and off a case for their own beliefs and interests, but a compelling case can be made by 1 person.

Now, maybe I'm a bit overly sensitive to the group thing, cause that was exactly what got me (nearly) lynched in my first game, where I was only saved by a timely lynch on scum, and I've had a phobia for such developments ever since, but that one was pushed too by a single player :).
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#1010 User is offline   dktorode 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:58 PM

View PostTapper, on Oct 20 2008, 02:51 PM, said:

Now, maybe I'm a bit overly sensitive to the group thing, cause that was exactly what got me (nearly) lynched in my first game, where I was only saved by a timely lynch on scum, and I've had a phobia for such developments ever since, but that one was pushed too by a single player :).

Well now, you just said that last time this happened there was scum lynched, so how is this wrong then? :D
we are to expect a few casualties you know! :)

Why dont they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff?

#1011 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:11 PM

Hehe, well, I had cooked up a whole probability model there that bit my own arse. God, the nightmare returns as I think about it :) Oh, and don't mention casualties, I'm willing to heroically break a leg during a dance-off if that's what it needs doing to nail the scum.

Also, in other news, this is quite possibly my worst game evor.
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#1012 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:17 PM

View PostTapper, on Oct 20 2008, 02:11 PM, said:

Also, in other news, this is quite possibly my worst game evor.

in what way?

#1013 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:20 PM

I lack anything even closely resembling a minor understanding of what is/could be going on and how to proceed further, which is a disgrace in a tdmi 2 game and with 8-9 games under the belt, and seeing how much time I spent yesterday flipping back and forth through the thread. I put it rather eloquently in a pm for spoilerheaven, but basically, I feel rather pathetic and blind :).
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#1014 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:23 PM

at least you got a nice new shiny avatar :)

#1015 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:23 PM

Dont dis my disco.
Or i'll modkill you :Patch:

Cougar said:

Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful

worry said:

Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).

#1016 User is offline   Jump Around 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:25 PM

View PostTapper, on Oct 20 2008, 04:20 PM, said:

I lack anything even closely resembling a minor understanding of what is/could be going on and how to proceed further, which is a disgrace in a tdmi 2 game and with 8-9 games under the belt, and seeing how much time I spent yesterday flipping back and forth through the thread. I put it rather eloquently in a pm for spoilerheaven, but basically, I feel rather pathetic and blind :).

Don't worry, low TMDI doesn't mean the game is easier. On the contrary.

Honestly, mafia is a game of endgames. For now we make cases and point out what we find suspicious, but usually it's when there's about 7-8 players left that the show starts fo'real. Until then, we try to do our best, that's why we make cases still and get the lynches, which also gives us an accumulation of information for when it counts.

DiscoWeasel doesn't like bad mojo on thread. :)

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:25 PM

View PostGrief, on Oct 20 2008, 04:23 PM, said:

Dont dis my disco.
Or i'll modkill you :Patch:

Your disco is DA SHIT Griefinator-dude! :)

#1018 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:27 PM

It is day two. There are 9 hours, 30 minutes remaining.

16 dancers still getting down: Baudin,Dktorode, DrinksinBars, Gavin, Gem, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Morgoth, Obdigore Silencer, Tapper, The Dude,Vengeance, Yellow,

9 votes to lynch, 8 to go to night.

2 Votes Morgoth: DiBs, Lacedaemonian
2 Votes Lacedaemonian: Vengeance, Gem Windcaster
2 Votes Gem: Silencer, Yellow
3 votes Vengeance: Jump Around, Lisheo, Dktorode
1 vote Drinksinbars : Morgoth

Players yet to vote: Baudin, Gavin, Mocker, Obdigore, The Dude, Tapper

Cougar said:

Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful

worry said:

Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).

#1019 User is offline   Jump Around 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:27 PM

Where's DiscoKitty by the way?

If he's not boogying soon I'll push the lynch in his back

This post has been edited by Jump Around: 20 October 2008 - 01:28 PM


#1020 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:28 PM

View PostJump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 03:25 PM, said:

View PostTapper, on Oct 20 2008, 04:20 PM, said:

I lack anything even closely resembling a minor understanding of what is/could be going on and how to proceed further, which is a disgrace in a tdmi 2 game and with 8-9 games under the belt, and seeing how much time I spent yesterday flipping back and forth through the thread. I put it rather eloquently in a pm for spoilerheaven, but basically, I feel rather pathetic and blind :D.

Don't worry, low TMDI doesn't mean the game is easier. On the contrary.

Honestly, mafia is a game of endgames. For now we make cases and point out what we find suspicious, but usually it's when there's about 7-8 players left that the show starts fo'real. Until then, we try to do our best, that's why we make cases still and get the lynches, which also gives us an accumulation of information for when it counts.

DiscoWeasel doesn't like bad mojo on thread. :)

And that's the worst part, people explaining the basics to me again :) I'll quit whining now, but I crave a re-read and work is not allowing it, so will drop out for an hour or three until I can have it.
TapDancer, walking on eggs, like this:
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