Posted 11 May 2022 - 12:21 PM
First world problems:
I don't now what the fuck is up with shipping in this world. Is it just staffing issues? COVID can't possibly still be casting such drastic shipping shit.
Like Amazon I've ordered about 10 items in the last few weeks (on Prime) and everything that said it would take 1-2day shipping came at least a week late each, two items from independent sellers shipped fine and arrived fine, and at least 3 items have not arrived at all, are long past their "delivery" dates, and are bending my patience, especially when you order it still calls it 1-2 day delivery....and if I get my shit two weeks later it's a miracle.
So I bailed on amazon for my next order, and used Chapters/Indigo for a single book....and better yet I didn't even have it shipped to me, but had it deliver to a store for me to pickup, which uses INTRA-store every single day they move stuff from store to said it would be at the store in 5 days. 4AM on the delivery date it says it's been I canceled it....becuase I can go to my local fantasy book store and get it myself...
Like I'm trying to fathom how there are still such drastic staffing issues that it causes these kinds of delays. I'm sure there'a a reason I just don't know about, but half of this stuff was gifts so I'm a little temperamental about it.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon