I'm sitting and reading the 2021-24 plan for Copenhagens Libraries and I think I need to start looking for a new job. Not because I think I'm going to be fired myself but they're going all in on "optimizing" the libraries, I.E. saving money and firing people.
They're reconfiguring all the libraries in the municilaplity to have teams working across the city zones, instead of working in one house. One day you'll be in one library, tomorrow another. Or maybe several places per day. Everyone will be assigned new roles, meaning instead of doing a bit of everything, thereby knowing everything, you'll now specialize in key areas. Frontstage og backstage. Service and hosting roles or curation of the collection and processing of materials. They concept isnt stupid but reading the plan it's clear that there's no thought as to all the areas that fall in between, the special needs of the few, the particular, peculaliar aspects of the location.
They want to have fewer librarians in the public areas of the libraries, that is already understaffed and they want us to centralize all decision making to teams that report to the Central library. The Central library that knows fuck all about what actually goes on outside their own house.
They want to move over half our localized collections into a central depot where they will sit unnoticed, unused and be thrown out after two years. Instead they want more displays and more group spaces, which is nice, but a library is not a book store and it's doesn't have to cater to students alone. They want to have big open spaces but also small children running around screaming all day.
And given the current coronarelated financial future, things can only get more dire than they already are.
I wonder if I could get a job at the Royal Library or a big archive now that I've got a few years of experience under my belt.
Ah, I'll probably end up weathering it out if I can land a position with the teams managing our collection.
EDIT: Oh I should add that they want fewer librarians because they want the public to host their own events and manage their own reading circles, etc. They want the same quality of service but for free. Yeah, this is going to be fun.
This post has been edited by Aptorian: 15 April 2020 - 01:55 PM