QuickTidal, on 09 October 2018 - 12:37 PM, said:
Most of my family, and my wife's family either live far away (and thus cannot make it to look after her in time for us to go to the hospital) or cannot come (her mother is terminally ill, and her father is the main caregiver)...and as such my daughter has seen all of these people only a handful of times in her life...and her reaction to "strangers" (even my mother, for example) is to cringe away and cry, not talk ect. Even at family gatherings she only warms up to family after an hour or so. So we are worried that whoever comes is going to have a hell of a time managing her, especially if they have to pick her up from daycare, or they are what she wakes up to after sleep (if we go to hospital in the middle of the night).
She can be very obstinate...AND is in her "terrible" twos. So she's extra cranky these days.
I realize I should not worry about this, nor should my wife as no matter which family member comes to watch her (probably my wife's godparents who are retired and she knows DECENTLY well), she will be well looked after and we should focus on the birth.
Anyways, I'm sure it will work out. We are just getting so close to the birth (we had two touch and go days on the weekend where she thought she MIGHT be in labour and has been having pre-labour signs for a few days) that it's causing me extra stress.
Hope you can sort some friends or family to help out - there's already enough on your mind I expect. Try not to stress over her, I'm sure she'll be ok for a short time. Best of luck to you all over the next week, QT, hope all goes well.