Malazan Empire: Macros - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 2278 Repper Messiah
High House Mafia
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16,114 (2.67 per day)
Most Active In:
The Phoenix Inn (6075 posts)
28-January 08
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User is offline Yesterday, 02:17 PM

My Information

Member Title:
D'ivers Fuckwits
38 years old
August 8, 1985
Ulster, disputed zone, British Empire.

Contact Information

AIM  GL Macros
Website URL:
Website URL  http://

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    Yesterday, 10:15 AM

    The Dems would need a super majority to even think about electoral reform yeah? The GOP will never change it, it's part of how they keep power?
  2. In Topic: Warhammer Books

    24 July 2024 - 08:39 PM

    On to the end and the death part 2.

    A lot of circles coming to a close, seems the authors must have clubbed together and agreed to throw in a fuck ton of micro vignettes to show how everyone dies.

    Too many, they could have made the siege 9 books by removing most of them
  3. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    23 July 2024 - 03:45 PM

    I think its going to be a brexit thing.
    If everyone eligible actually remotely understood what they were voting for and went and voted the GOP would crash and burn

    as it stands too many apathetic will enable the scum
  4. In Topic: Warhammer Books

    22 July 2024 - 11:25 PM

    On to the end and death volume 1
    The beginning of the end of the end
  5. In Topic: Warhammer Books

    22 July 2024 - 11:24 PM

    Echoes of Eternity was frustrating.
    A lot of awesome, a lot of trying to be cute with vignettes of one shot characters who tell their story and die, A LOT. We get it, war is the grind and most people are nobodies in the mill, but 6 or 7 in a row just completely kills the story's momentum.
    Sanguinus, he can fuck shit up


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  1. Photo


    07 Aug 2023 - 20:10
    happy birthday #38 mate
    Have a great one (for a Tuesday), hope all's well
  2. Photo


    07 Aug 2022 - 20:18
    37! Bloody hell time flies, have a great one :)
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    07 Aug 2021 - 22:11
    36 you old ****. Happy fucking birthday :P
    Make it a good one. Pics or it didn't happen.
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    07 Aug 2020 - 20:35
    35 big fella!
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    07 Aug 2019 - 19:48
    Can't believe you're 34 ... geez where does the time go?
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    07 Aug 2018 - 18:33
  7. Photo


    08 Aug 2017 - 09:10
    Awww, that's nice - she found a Daddy. ;)
  8. Photo


    08 Aug 2017 - 01:25
    Happy 32nd. Welcome to the demographic that young people collectively refer to as "old". ;)
  9. Photo


    14 Jan 2017 - 21:47
    You *are* supposed to work for the answer, you know. ;)
  10. Photo


    14 Jan 2017 - 21:45
    Because it wasn't a fucking basketbal, just a ball but noone seemed to be able to figure that one out. ;)
  11. Photo


    26 Jul 2016 - 21:25
    Fair enough. I'm glad you didn't unfriend me though! I missed all the little interesting things you were doing in life, but I figured you fell prey to the Facebook algorithms; I didn't realize you'd deleted your account.
  12. Photo


    26 Jul 2016 - 21:21
    Done, btw. And I can't find you on Facebook so maybe you ditched it or unfriended me or summat.
  13. Photo


    26 Jul 2016 - 21:00
    But I'm lazy!
    (Okay, I'll do it for you. Even though you can always message me on Facebook. :p)
  14. Photo


    08 Aug 2014 - 08:43
    I can't believe you're 29!!! Happy birthday, you incomprehensible leprechaun. ;)
  15. Photo


    06 Nov 2012 - 15:14
    Well you knew it was about to happen :P No, Kel is super-excited for us actually. Dr Matt even dropped in on us when Kat was in the hospital, 'twas quite nice actually.
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