Malazan Empire: Tapper - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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User Rating: *****

Reputation: 1151 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
High House Mafia
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11,788 (1.6 per day)
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MAFIA (3119 posts)
29-June 04
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User is offline Today, 06:22 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Lover of High House Mafia
43 years old
January 8, 1981
Delft, Holland.

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Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Dec 23 2010 09:46 AM

Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Benelux Next Top Model final. Yeah, I'm shallow.

Nov 08 2010 10:45 AM

Tapper  replied to Morgoth's  status
Jul 05 2012 09:58 AM


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  1. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 22:15
    *weeps because Tapper is not on MSN*
  2. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 18:52
    Congratz on a job well done! It certainly is a better mark than I ever achieved for that language :)
  3. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 18:46
    I got an A on the German test! :D I missed 9 points out of 117, which was all gender stuff with the exception of one mistake in verb conjugation.
    I think I aced the other test too. Hopefully I'll know on Wednesday - this prof isn't as consistent with grading as the German prof...
  4. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 12:46
    I can't get away from the PC cause I need my itunes and I'm typing out important stuff I need to know. But I'm handling it okay. Only one break so far, and that one for breakfast. :D Going back to the grind now...
  5. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 10:59
    Hmmm. I'm not going to give holier-than-thou advise, since I'm a pretty good procastrinator myself... Just take the books with you to class, get there early and learn there :p
    And get away from the pc... ;)
  6. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 10:24
    I have another exam this 6.5 hours, though I have to be at class in 4.5 hours. So, since I've been procrastinating, now I've 4 hours of studying to do. Which will probably end up being an hour of studying mixed in with breaks. :D
  7. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 09:28
    It gives me something to do at work, other than watching the phone, hoping it will ring sometime soon.
  8. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 09:16
    You're such a sweetie. :D
  9. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 08:33
    Crossing my fingers then :)
  10. Photo


    27 Oct 2008 - 08:24
    Not sure yet. I know I had to guess on a lot of genders, so I'm not expecting to have gotten all of them right, but hopefully not as bad as last time. I'll find out in 7.5 hours. :)
  11. Photo


    26 Oct 2008 - 21:42
    Sooo, how did the test go?
  12. Photo


    24 Oct 2008 - 18:09
    Aye, genders and words suck. I usually blundered my way through grammar... but it might be easier for Dutchies.
    Well, hope you'll survive it and get a great result!
    Oh, and tx for the avatar compliment, it will stay around for a bit. Firekitten for the win!
  13. Photo


    24 Oct 2008 - 13:35
    Oh, and the new avatar is AWESOME. :D
  14. Photo


    24 Oct 2008 - 13:34
    Well, Wortschatzen is only a part of what we have to learn - the other part being sentence structure and word forms and such. And we practice those things (and the words as well, of course) with exercises, but there are a certain number of nouns and verbs and such that I have to know. The nouns are the worst, cause of course we have to know the gender. :(
  15. Photo


    24 Oct 2008 - 12:03
    Do they still go by that outdated method of Wordschatzen or whatever they call it?
    Sad, sad, sad :( Sympathy is yours, and I hope you'll do well!
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