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High House Mafia
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User is offline Jul 25 2024 03:23 PM

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Lover of High House Mafia
43 years old
January 8, 1981
Delft, Holland.

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  1. In Topic: Fantasy Football 2024 sign up

    17 July 2024 - 11:04 AM

    Yep, me.
  2. In Topic: The UK Politics Thread

    05 July 2024 - 01:59 PM

    Politico (the .eu version) warns in all its reporting that Farage is sort of a spectre hanging over these elections and potentially 2029 due to the amount of second places Reform collected.

    Is this truly worrying, or are a lot of his voters just showing disgruntlement with Sunak and are going to return to the Conservatives once these have elected their own next (batshit crazy) party leader and assembled a shadow cabinet out of whatever remains to them?
  3. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    15 March 2024 - 09:34 AM

    View PostTiste Simeon, on 14 March 2024 - 11:27 PM, said:

    It will be interesting, if France does start deploying, to see if others will follow suit.

    Britain won't of course, too many Tories in the pockets of Russian oligarchs.

    It’s a European election year.
    A sceptical reading (mine) could be that Macron is trying to kill many birds with one stone and most of them have less to do with actually, actively helping Ukraine and more with his position on the (inter)national stage.

    There is the French internal political situation in which (the unpopular) Macron positions himself and his government as pro-Europe, actively pro-Ukraine versus the previously Kremlin-friendly LePen (as many far right figureheads are/were - a source of embarrassment that unfortunately does not diminish their popularity much).

    Secondly, it ties in with earlier speeches Macron made, which basically amount to “the EU needs to stand on its own.” Which traditionally translates to: “Within the EU, France can be a leader who does things differently from Germany,” (which can generally count on the support of the Benelux, Austria).

    Further, it draws a contrast between Germany (very cautious in proclamations and which systems they deliver, seemingly afraid of escalation) and France (playing mind games with Putin), and the audience may include the EU/NATO countries bordering Russia as well as the US.

    And it reminds both Europe and Russia that France is the only EU nation with nukes, so Putin will likely not provoke them.
  4. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    06 March 2024 - 03:28 PM

    View PostHoosierDaddy, on 06 March 2024 - 02:00 PM, said:

    View PostTapper, on 06 March 2024 - 10:52 AM, said:

    View PostHoosierDaddy, on 05 March 2024 - 01:12 PM, said:

    It's one thing to fall in line because you just really, really like being in power and maintaining the status quo does that. It's another thing to latch on to someone as cult of personality. It's a 251st dimensional thing for that person to be DONALD TRUMP.

    Like of all people... Donald Trump?

    I love Obama. LOVE Obama. That's the next closest proxy for Trump's cult of personality. However, if that fucker did half the shit Trump did he'd be in prison in two seconds and be universally loathed. Myself included in said loathing.

    But the thing about western culture is that it worships and elevates individuals. Capitalism (whether viewed as the escape of poverty through hard work as the American Dream purports or seen through the lens of meritocracy in which money is the measuring stick by which we compare personal skill: Elon Musk is the richest man on Earth, therefore he is worth listening to) is one pillar, media another. We love mavericks and vigilantes in our entertainment and they're part of culture for over seventy years. When the police and bureaucrats are consistently portrayed as incompetent, it's no wonder there's a place for the NRA in people's mind.

    Arguing the system is broken and working against the common man has been a part of election promises everywhere since the 60s. Combine it with a politician who claims he is going to tear the system down and/or circumvent it, rather than work through it, and you arrive at Trump. The vagueness of his language and promises enhance the appeal, as everyone can read into it what they want: he promises a restoration of former glory and wealth but from what period he leaves to the imagination. So yes, for people who are dissatisfied but don't know with what, how or why or who just imagine they're worse off than their neighbours, he appeals.

    The political system in the UK and the US with its focus on electing individual representatives per district rather than voting for a party doesn't help (and therefore the reliance on individuals to find funding through sponsorship and promises to lobbyists), but it's the lesser evil. In Europe, we see a rise of the far right as well, after all.

    I understand how this figure came about and the conditions and environment that created the opportunity for a person to fill this role. Populism and how it rises have some good historic evidence and examples to look to and have been referred to often as clear parallels. The government is bad and we need to tear it down has always been rampant on the conservative and libertarian right.

    It's the fact that Trump is just so awful of a human being to cling on to as your savior. A trashbag turned into sentient meaty form. Why do they lose their collective shit over this person? What is there of worth in him as a heroic persona/savior like to many of them, to ever produce the desire to cling onto him?

    I don’t know. As you say, he is a terrible person with despicable views and very few morals.

    Maybe that’s why; he is the (young male) fantasy of what being successful entails: a medieval robber baron, basically, taking whatever he wants, giving in to the base hedonistic instincts. Let’s say that it takes a decade or two of adulthood to learn that lust, gluttony, envy and greed are cravings rather than bringing happiness or fulfilment, and even then, many fall into their trap during a personal crisis or as the result of a toxic environment?

    My 25 year old self certainly skirted that edge.

    From the conservative/industry lobbying groups and career politicians I get the cynical trade off; they don’t care about the man, just about the results. If your product is (indirectly) responsible for the deaths and discomfort of thousands without causing a loss of sleep at night, why refrain from dealing with someone because of their despicable personality?

    I am however deeply puzzled by the rock solid support he gets from people who pride themselves on their morality (such as evangelicals). He is proudly living a life antithetical to their beliefs yet they somehow see him not just as a means to and end, but as the second coming of Christ.
  5. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    06 March 2024 - 10:52 AM

    View PostHoosierDaddy, on 05 March 2024 - 01:12 PM, said:

    It's one thing to fall in line because you just really, really like being in power and maintaining the status quo does that. It's another thing to latch on to someone as cult of personality. It's a 251st dimensional thing for that person to be DONALD TRUMP.

    Like of all people... Donald Trump?

    I love Obama. LOVE Obama. That's the next closest proxy for Trump's cult of personality. However, if that fucker did half the shit Trump did he'd be in prison in two seconds and be universally loathed. Myself included in said loathing.

    But the thing about western culture is that it worships and elevates individuals. Capitalism (whether viewed as the escape of poverty through hard work as the American Dream purports or seen through the lens of meritocracy in which money is the measuring stick by which we compare personal skill: Elon Musk is the richest man on Earth, therefore he is worth listening to) is one pillar, media another. We love mavericks and vigilantes in our entertainment and they’re part of culture for over seventy years. When the police and bureaucrats are consistently portrayed as incompetent, it’s no wonder there’s a place for the NRA in people’s mind.

    Arguing the system is broken and working against the common man has been a part of election promises everywhere since the 60s. Combine it with a politician who claims he is going to tear the system down and/or circumvent it, rather than work through it, and you arrive at Trump. The vagueness of his language and promises enhance the appeal, as everyone can read into it what they want: he promises a restoration of former glory and wealth but from what period he leaves to the imagination. So yes, for people who are dissatisfied but don’t know with what, how or why or who just imagine they’re worse off than their neighbours, he appeals.

    The political system in the UK and the US with its focus on electing individual representatives per district rather than voting for a party doesn’t help (and therefore the reliance on individuals to find funding through sponsorship and promises to lobbyists), but it’s the lesser evil. In Europe, we see a rise of the far right as well, after all.


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  1. Photo


    08 Jan 2024 - 00:59
    hey Tappity tap, happy birthday
  2. Photo


    07 Jan 2023 - 14:16
    happy birthday Tapdatass
  3. Photo


    27 Jun 2022 - 11:40
    Hey man, hope all's well
  4. Photo


    07 Jan 2022 - 14:24
    enjoying the downhill slide? Happy birthday
  5. Photo


    07 Jan 2021 - 15:42
    ermagerd Taps - 40!
    Happy birthday, it's all downhill from here
  6. Photo


    07 Jan 2020 - 19:33
    and again
  7. Photo


    08 Jan 2019 - 13:17
    Happy birthday Taps
  8. Photo


    17 Jan 2017 - 12:35
  9. Photo


    08 Jan 2017 - 02:42
    Happy birthday!
  10. Photo


    18 Dec 2014 - 14:35
    I miss the days when you and I had the top profile views at Malazan due to our ongoing conversation. How have you been? I always enjoy your posts when you wander into Discussions.
  11. Photo

    High House Dark 

    20 Mar 2013 - 20:19
    YOU'RE extremely well put.
  12. Photo


    14 Feb 2013 - 19:36
  13. Photo


    08 Jan 2013 - 10:28
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Mr T man, Happy birthday to you!!!!!!
  14. Photo


    01 Nov 2012 - 17:32
    Tapper, you invalidated my arguments and I have no rebuttal, time to change the subject!
    I love you almost as much as illy right now
  15. Photo


    31 Jul 2012 - 02:13
    Tapper, you sexy man, man. Love the flannel shirt at the beach, pic. I'm giving you a nickname - Ryan Seacrest.
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