Malazan Empire: Tapper - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 1151 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
High House Mafia
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11,788 (1.6 per day)
Most Active In:
MAFIA (3119 posts)
29-June 04
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User is offline Yesterday, 12:18 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Lover of High House Mafia
43 years old
January 8, 1981
Delft, Holland.

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Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Dec 23 2010 09:46 AM

Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Benelux Next Top Model final. Yeah, I'm shallow.

Nov 08 2010 10:45 AM

Tapper  replied to Morgoth's  status
Jul 05 2012 09:58 AM


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  1. Photo


    25 Nov 2008 - 03:38
    I have horror stories to tell about the last couple of weeks, lol. Next week won't be much better, and the week after is finals week. But then the semester is over! Woooooo! :D Oh, and this is a short week, ending tomorrow.
    So, yeah....I passed out around 3pm, then had to wake up at 6 and drive across town for choir rehearsal. I'm sorry I stood you up. :(
  2. Photo


    07 Nov 2008 - 11:55
    Don't bother; it's not funny any more. :p
    I'm tired but I should really stay up so that I don't skip German again by oversleeping...
  3. Photo


    07 Nov 2008 - 10:42
    Decided not to do it. I can probably say 16something enough times in regular convo to keep it funny :D
  4. Photo


    06 Nov 2008 - 11:20
    I'll give it some thought ;)
  5. Photo


    06 Nov 2008 - 10:27
    Well, it's kind of random, which is why it fits well under "other information". Perhaps only the last bit? I like the "since 16something" part best. :)
  6. Photo


    06 Nov 2008 - 10:10
    Hmmm, not so sure. I think the saint Peter thingie is in need of replacement, but I'm not sure this is one that will stand there for a while :(
  7. Photo


    06 Nov 2008 - 04:51
    You should make that your sig. Or perhaps put it in that "other information" category.
  8. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 23:20
    ah, oki. Bali... part of the proud dutch colonial heritage.
    Holland, slash-burning farmlands and raiding villages since 16something.
  9. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 20:19
    Well, you and I are talking about the same thing, but I thought it was spelled Bali-wood.
  10. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 15:22
    and why I got logged into a Mafia alt to view my own profile, I don't know :s anyways:
    Bombay (India) has the largest movie industry in the world, and it's productions are called Bollywood movies :D
  11. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 15:21
    Nope, Bombay (India) has the largest movie industry in the world, and it's productions are called Bollywood movies :D
  12. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 11:47
    It took me a minute to figure out you mean Baliwood. :D
  13. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 11:32
    Ah, don't worry. In a few generations, everyone in the civil world will be a nice lattée coloured mixture and look like they could play in a Bollywood production. Sex > segregation in time :p
  14. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 08:49
    Only something like 13% of white people in MS voted for Obama. :(
  15. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 08:48 state voted for McCain, so most of the people around here are not excited about this election, cause their candidate sucked and they've known for a while now they were probably going to lose. The exception is the black folks (who went like 99% Obama here), and we're sadly still very self-segregated in the south. :(
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