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High House Mafia
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29-June 04
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User is offline Today, 06:22 PM

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Member Title:
Lover of High House Mafia
43 years old
January 8, 1981
Delft, Holland.

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Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Dec 23 2010 09:46 AM

Tapper's Photo

Tapper  Benelux Next Top Model final. Yeah, I'm shallow.

Nov 08 2010 10:45 AM

Tapper  replied to Morgoth's  status
Jul 05 2012 09:58 AM


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  1. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 08:18
    Hehehe. Here in Holland, election night is done a bit in US style... lots of graphs etc., though not as expressive of income and race as those you posted in the 'your vote' topic.
    It is indeed a bit of a show, and nice to see how they're interested! Weird though, that only the exchange students were interested... you would expect a lot more people without tvs would watch!<
  2. Photo


    05 Nov 2008 - 06:51
    The Dutchie girls were good company tonight. The German girl too. She tried speaking some German to me and I just went, "uh...." like a proper dumb American. It was great - I think they watched the results as if they were the new best American reality TV show. :D
  3. Photo


    03 Nov 2008 - 08:34
    Sounds pretty hard, as it is a one-shot educated guess, if it is one piece of music. Abnd if it is multiple, then that reduces the length of each piece. I'm glad I could pick all my required knowledge from books ;)
  4. Photo


    02 Nov 2008 - 23:02
    The written portion of his final exam was just for the last period that we covered in class, and the listening exam had a portion from that period, and then a portion where he played music that we hadn't studied, and we had to judge by style characteristics what period it was from, and a possible composer. I think we're going to have to do the same thing for this class, but he didn't
  5. Photo


    02 Nov 2008 - 22:58
    Eh, our classes differ on how they're set up. This one was music history, though. We have three exams including the final in that course, and the final isn't comprehensive. The last class I took with this guy was comprehensive, though. Sort of.
  6. Photo


    02 Nov 2008 - 10:30
    Aha, we never had intermediate exams, that explains a lot :D
  7. Photo


    01 Nov 2008 - 23:42
    Well, our final exams are like that, so that we can have 3-hour exams. But the regular exams during the semester have to be done during class time.
  8. Photo


    01 Nov 2008 - 23:35
    Aha. We had our exams seperate from class-time, so that we could have 3 hour exams for 2 hour classes. So far, I prefer the european method from what I read ;)
  9. Photo


    01 Nov 2008 - 23:28
    Ha, good one. :D
    Well, it was the essay portion of the exam, since our class period is too short for good essay questions on the exam. So he lets us do them outside of class. 3 essays, 2-4 pages each. I think they were okay. :)
  10. Photo


    31 Oct 2008 - 22:22
    doh, wrong alt :P
  11. Photo


    31 Oct 2008 - 22:00
    weirdness, 3 papers for one class, submitted at the same time. Bad planning by the teacher, I'd say :D
  12. Photo


    31 Oct 2008 - 20:00
    Ha, it was 3 papers for the same class. :p
    I finished them, though. :)
  13. Photo


    31 Oct 2008 - 10:51
    t-t-t-t... No way to submit 3x the same one? ;)
  14. Photo


    31 Oct 2008 - 10:08
    I'm procrastinating again. Three essays dues in 6 hours! I've only started one!
  15. Photo


    28 Oct 2008 - 12:44
    Tapper has had problems with daylight saving hours :p
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