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Reaper's Fail
32 years old
May 12, 1992
Westchester, NY

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  1. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    17 August 2024 - 11:00 PM

    View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 17 August 2024 - 08:00 PM, said:

    View PostTsundoku, on 16 August 2024 - 09:28 AM, said:

    WTF do you do with 4.5kg of salt?
    A lot of magic ritual circles?

    I consume about 1,300 mg less salt than the average American (that monstrous Form...). Here's my daily intake:


    So without the extra salt I'd only be getting 1410 mg / day, which is below the common minimal recommended value of 1500 mg. (The official US RDV of 2300 mg is the value which they recommend you don't exceed, not the optimal value.)

    I add the salt to 1/3rd cup of dried vegetables... with a fistful of garlic, a fistful of rosemary, a pinch of ginger, and a dash of dill.

    (There are a few days each month when I do have (supposedly healthy) restaurant food instead---always either eating outside or eating leftovers in my apartment.)

    So 10 pounds of iodized salt would last me just over 7 years. Problem is that while salt doesn't go bad (over current human lifespans), iodized salt sort of does---the iodine content decays. So I canceled the order.

    While a substantial portion leaked out of the seams of the Amazon box, and it got all over the myriad other groceries inside, I was able to recover enough to last me about a year. Pretty sure it's sanitary enough, since salt kills microbes and I probably won't have to start using it for another week.

    View PostWhisperzzzzzzz, on 16 August 2024 - 07:48 AM, said:

    Can't you buy iodized salt at any supermarket? I bought Morton's Iodized Salt earlier today at a grocery.

    The only nearby grocery stores are overpriced. And non-ultra-bulk Morton's salt---even on Amazon---is twice as expensive. More importantly, we're in the midst of the worse summer covid surge in years, and studies on long covid have only gotten more alarming: it turns out Paxlovid doesn't help significantly and long covid brain fog is accompanied by a breakdown in the blood-brain barrier. Even with my P100 mask there's always the possibility that it could come loose, or fail to fit well enough. No sense in needlessly risking long covid. I haven't been inside a physical store in years.

    Actually I'm thinking of risking long covid for one thing that's extremely important to me... because the worst part of staying vigilant about the ongoing pandemic has not being able to fast for prolonged periods to slow my aging. I had thought of aging as mostly continuous, but according to a new study,


    Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60

    US findings suggesting ageing is not a slow and steady process

    [...] The mid-40s ageing spike was unexpected and initially assumed to be a result of perimenopausal changes in women skewing results for the whole group. But the data revealed similar shifts were happening in men in their mid-40s, too.

    Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60 | Medical research | The Guardian

    So I think that after I get my next booster I might wait one month and then do another five-day chocolate-and-psyllium-husk-only fast. (Consuming only 200 calories a day---of pure unsweetened cocoa powder---which is extremely filling, basically all fat, and extraordinarily high in fiber.) Or I might try the fast mimicking diet instead, which is 700 calories / day for five days, if that will reduce the temporary negative impact on the immune system.

    View Postamphibian, on 16 August 2024 - 12:20 PM, said:

    Life's too short for shitty main food ingredients and terrible toilet paper.

    Don't cheap out on those.

    I've grown to enjoy Diamond salt more than Morton's. I thought it was the pretentious foodie opinion, but lo, I do actually like it more.

    I'm currently trying a few different soy sauces that aren't Kikkoman. Really like the Kamebishi one right now.

    In my youth I spent at least tens of thousands of dollars on food and drink for myself---eating at the world's most critically acclaimed restaurants, traveling mostly to eat. In retrospect, I consider it mostly a mistake. Pleasure is generated within our minds; and I can experience ecstatic bliss just by willing it. It feels like two points in the back of my head tingle and release something that spreads and swirls through my body. And I can imagine eating foods I've eaten (or other sensations I've had) with such vividness that it borders on hallucination.

    Life's too short---and there's too much to learn, too much to do (before it's too late)---for me to spend too much time focused on eating.

    So these days while I'm eating I'm usually pacing back and forth at a brisk speed and contemplating something far more important than food (like mathematics, or the stock market, or higher dimensional puns...)---just have to be careful I don't bite my mouth or my tongue so hard they have to be stitched back together (though come to think of it, in the not so distant future robotic prosthetics might be interesting... perhaps especially for vocalists).

    However I did recently have Nepali cuisine for the first time (though I've had Tibetan and various regional Indian cuisines many times before, of course it's more than just a fusion of Indian and Tibetan with southwestern Chinese influences) and I do eat restaurant food more mindfully (... and typically not while pacing back and forth). Interesting how---at least according to Reddit---Nepali culinary philosophies tend to prioritize being able to taste the main ingredients, as opposed to some Indian cuisine that obscures the ingredients with spices (so in that respect that Nepali culinary philosophy seems similar to Cantonese (Guangdongese) or Japanese, even though Guangdong is in southeastern China and Sichuan Province (Szechuan cuisine) is much closer, being in southwestern China (of course Szechuan cuisine is famous for their intense use of spices). Granted, they're an "Indian and Nepali restaurant", so it's not clear whether they're always using Nepali versions of the dishes familiar from Indian cuisine. When I first tasted their dal tadka (lentils)---which I guess I wasn't eating properly, since I wasn't having it with rice---I felt like I'd prefer it with more spices, but as I got slightly deeper in the bowl a very pleasing and moderately intense mix of spices emerged. In contrast, when I first tried a spoonful of their mixed pickles (raw mango and vegetables), the sourness was shockingly overwhelming, and I thought my palate might just not be able to handle it. But when I tried it again later I realized that if I ate the pickled mango/vegetables without getting too much of the sauce I actually liked it a lot---still intensely flavorful. While I'm generally not that into noodles, and it was very hot out (I was eating outside of course), I did also enjoy their wai wai soup. The palek paneer seemed significantly different than what I remember from most Indian restaurants---it was yellow rather than green, for one---and I loved it even more than what I remember having from Indian restaurants. A different Nepali restaurant recently won a Best of Philly award---"You don't expect to find the best korma of your life in Voorhees"---though unfortunately it's over in New Jersey, and korma typically has sugar added to it, which I do my best to avoid even when eating restaurant food. But in the old days I definitely would have traveled out to that New Jersey strip mall, even if I had to take a bus and walk a few miles.

    To clarify, the Paxlovid / Long COVID study you're likely referring to looked at people who previously had COVID* and have been suffering from Long COVID to see whether Paxlovid reduced their symptoms. It did not look at the effectiveness of Paxlovid in preventing acute worsening of symptoms or preventing Long COVID in patients with active COVID infections. As far as I am aware, Paxlovid still has some data showing effectiveness when taken during an active infection, though I still think we need more studies here.

    * "Mean (SD) time between index SARS-CoV-2 infection and randomization was 17.5 (9.1) months"
  2. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    16 August 2024 - 04:54 PM

    View Postamphibian, on 16 August 2024 - 12:20 PM, said:

    Life's too short for shitty main food ingredients and terrible toilet paper.

    Don't cheap out on those.

    I've grown to enjoy Diamond salt more than Morton's. I thought it was the pretentious foodie opinion, but lo, I do actually like it more.

    I'm currently trying a few different soy sauces that aren't Kikkoman. Really like the Kamebishi one right now.

    Have you tried finishing foods with Maldon's sea salt or a fleur de sel? Or even a slice of fresh bread with some olive oil, roasted garlic, and Maldon's or fleur de sel sprinkled on. That's worth it.
  3. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    16 August 2024 - 07:48 AM

    View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 15 August 2024 - 07:07 PM, said:

    Turns out that cheap iodized salt I ordered on Amazon is cheap for a reason... the packaging frequently doesn't survive shipping, exploding inside the Amazon box... and Amazon doesn't allow refunds or replacements. I really should have checked the myriad one-star reviews before buying it. Now I'm on the verge of running out of salt, and to get the same price per ounce I had to buy ten pounds of salt (... that looks like it at least comes in sturdy enough containers).

    Don't buy this shit: : Hain Pure Foods Iodized Sea Salt, 21 Oz : Everything Else

    Can't you buy iodized salt at any supermarket? I bought Morton's Iodized Salt earlier today at a grocery.
  4. In Topic: Whats making you happy right now

    14 August 2024 - 04:16 AM

     amphibian, on 14 August 2024 - 04:09 AM, said:

     Cause, on 13 August 2024 - 12:38 AM, said:

    I had the really small would in the top of my head. Like a 1 mm scab that wounds heal, it felt like a small bump and it would bleed, scab, bleed again. It was there for ages, over a month. I tried keeping it dry, tried different shampoos nothing worked. I was just about to go see a dermatologist worried it could be a bad symptom of something worse than it seemed.

    I’m embarrassed I didn’t think of it sooner, I thought I’d need a prescription for an antibiotic ointment but no it’s over the counter. Used it regularly for 2 days and I’m cautious to see if it will come back but it seems completely healed. The bump feels smaller, almost undetectable, no scab and no bleeding after just 2 days.

    Cause, this unhealing scab is the number one sign of skin cancer. Please go get this checked out immediately.

    I'm not joking or trying to be alarmist. I dated a nurse who was an oncology nurse navigator and she spent a lot of time telling me about what the signs of skin cancer were - and got my best friend to get a leg mole checked out/removed.

  5. In Topic: Whats making you happy right now

    11 August 2024 - 06:57 PM

    My fiancee and I have officially moved to California!

    (On the less groovy side, we came down with COVID our first day here and have been cooped up inside for four days since then. So, we have not been able to experience it at all, other than by staring out our window).



Page 1 of 1
  1. Photo


    12 May 2024 - 10:03
    happy #32 Whispaz
  2. Photo


    10 Jun 2023 - 21:17
    No worries Whispy, hope it was a good one
  3. Photo


    11 May 2023 - 20:47
    and another one
  4. Photo


    12 May 2022 - 06:38
    happy another birthday
  5. Photo


    11 May 2020 - 21:28
    hippo birdy two ewes
  6. Photo


    16 Aug 2019 - 08:43
    You're doubly polite :)
  7. Photo


    12 May 2019 - 01:08
    Happy birthday.
  8. Photo


    15 Aug 2010 - 02:48
    Undervolting isn't something I've ever done myself, it's one of those things that really isn't that useful in the broader sense.
    It can reduce your power usage quite a lot, but at the same time it takes a huge bite out of your performance, just like underclocking. It's also, as far as I'm aware, somewhat risky as you're playing with the power supplied to your C...
  9. Photo


    09 Aug 2010 - 21:58
    Westchester County is about 2 hours and 45 minutes from Albany. I don't know where you're getting 4 hours from.
  10. Photo


    09 Aug 2010 - 02:31
    If by close, you mean two hours and change away, then yes, Syracuse is close. Just as close as Westchester County is. Have fun at 'Cuse.
  11. Photo


    09 Aug 2010 - 01:54
    I'm around Albany, so upstate.
  12. Photo


    09 Jun 2010 - 16:29
    I'm a Google search professional. I have 4 degrees on it, but I still suck on the creativity part. I was never good at doing anything visual, hence my incredibly ugly face.
  13. Photo


    09 Jun 2010 - 16:14
    Which one, precisely? Lately people have been taking my jokes too seriously.
  14. Photo


    08 Jun 2010 - 15:51
    They are all very nice. Do you use Photoshop to do those or something else?
    I gave up trying to do any kind of visual design years ago, I finally understood that it requires talent, which I don't have.
  15. Photo


    08 Jun 2010 - 03:13
    Are the images on your DevianART page all made by you?
    They look incredible.
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