Score objectives:
PUBLIC OBJECTIVE: Develop Weaponry -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Own 2 unit upgrade technologies.
SECRET OBJECTIVE: Dictate Policy -- 1VP -- Agenda Phase -- There are 3 or more laws in play
Gain 2 tokens 0/0/2
Draw 1 AC
refresh etc etc
Victory Points: 8
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 3T | 4F | 2T
Goods: 0/3 C | 15 TG
Relic Fragments: 1C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 5
Promissory Notes: 3 N'orr, 1 L1Z1X,
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
+ Tren'Lak (1/0)
+ Quinarra (3/1)
+ New Albion (1/1) G
+ Starpoint (3/1)
+ Centauri (3/4) (Dyson Sphere)
+ Gral (2/2) B (Propulsion Research Facility)
+ Primor (2/1) L
+ Evarra (3/1)
+Arnor (2/1)
+Lor (1/2)
Scanlink Drone Network -- When you activate a system, you may explore 1 planet in that system which contains 1 or more of your units.
Psychoarchaeology -- You can use technology specialties on planets you control without exhausting them, even if those planets are exhausted. During the Action Phase, you can exhaust planets you control that have technology specialties to gain 1 trade good
Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value of 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
Gen Synthesis -- Upgrades your Infantry blueprints to Infantry II.
Exotrireme II -- Upgrades your Exotrireme to Exotrireme II.
Carrier II
+ (AGENT) -- At the end of a player's tactical action: You may exhaust this card; if you do, that player may place 2 infantry from their reinforcements on a planet they control in the active system
+ (COMMANDER) -- During the "Commit Ground Forces" step:You can commit up to 1 ground force from each planet in the active system and each planet in adjacent systems that do not contain 1 of your command tokens.
+ (HERO) -- TEKKLAR CONDITIONING: After you move ships into the active system:You may skip directly to the "Commit Ground Forces" step. If you do, after you commit ground forces to land on planets, purge this card and return each of your ships in the active system to your reinforcements.
+ (PRIMOR) The Atrament -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to place up to 2 infantry from your reinforcements on any planet you control
+ (RELIC) | Dominus Orb | Before you move units during a tactical action, you may purge this card to move and transport units that are in systems that contain 1 of your command tokens.
+ (Relic) JR-XS455-0 | Agent | Action: Exhaust this agent and choose a player; that player may spend 3 resources to place a structure on a planet they control. If they do not, they gain 1 trade good.
+ Letnev support for the throne
+ Mahact support for the throne
+ Muaat alliance