POLITICS: Exhaust the Scepter of Emelpar. Draw 2 AC. Discard 1 AC (Confusing Legal Text).
CONSTRUCTION: -1 CT and place it in the Vega system. Place 1 space dock on Vega Major.
Tactical Action
Activate Accoen/Jeol'ir
Move 2 dreadnoughts, 1 carrier, 1 fighter, and 2 mechs from Ixth
Space Cannon Offense:
Twelve's Space Cannon Offense > 3 x PDS (6) > [3d10=1, 7, 7] > (2 hits)
D'rek sustains damage on both dreadnoughts.
Space Combat: n/a
> Commit 1 mech to each planet
> Space Cannon Defense of Accoen:
Twelve's Space Cannon Defense > 1 x PDS (6) > [1d10=6] > (1 hit)
D'rek sustains damage on her mech then takes control of Accoen. Twelve's PDS and Space Dock are destroyed.
> Space Cannon Defense of Jeol'ir:
Twelve's Space Cannon Defense > 2 x PDS (6) > [2d10=4, 9] > (1 hit)
D'rek sustains damage on her mech then takes control of Jeol Ir. Twelve's PDS's and Space Dock are destroyed.
(4 sustains -> 4 TG due to Letnev Alliance)
> Establish control of each planet
Production: n/a
Twelve is eliminated. Retrieve my CT from his player sheet and place it in my reinforcements, etc., and so on for other players. Khell's SftT returns to his hand.
Transaction: {{verify Khell is still willing}} Give Khell my SftT promissory note. Receive Khell's SftT promissory note.
Victory Points: 5
Strategy Card: LEADERSHIP
Command Pools: 1T | 5F | 2S
Goods: 0/6 C | 20 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 1I | 0U
Action Cards: 7
Promissory Notes: 4 Hacan, 1 Vuil'raith
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 2 unfulfilled
+ Arretze (2/0)
+ Hercant (1/1)
+ Kamdorn (0/1)
+ Tequ'ran (2/0)
+ Torkan (0/3)
+ Vega Major (2/1)
+ Vega Minor (1/2, blue tech specialty)
+ Loki (1/2)
+ Abaddon (1/0)
+ Ixth (3/5)
+ Mirage (1/2, Mirage Flight Academy)
+ Neural Motivator -- During the status phase, draw 2 action cards instead of 1.
+ Hypermetabolism -- During the status phase, gain 3 command tokens instead of 2.
+ Antimass Deflectors -- Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
+ Dark Energy Tap -- After you perform a tactical action in a system that contains a frontier token, if you have 1 or more ships in that system, explore that token. Your ships can retreat into adjacent systems that do not contain other players' units, even if you do not have units or control planets in that system.
+ Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
+ AI Development Algorithm-- When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.
+ Assault Cannon-- At the start of a space combat in a system that contains 3 or more of your non-fighter ships, your opponent must destroy 1 of his non-fighter ships.
+ Type IV Drive -- Dreadnought II
+ XRD Transporters -- Carrier II
+ Carth of Golden Sands (AGENT) -- During the action phase: You may exhaust this card to gain 2 commodities or replenish another player's commodities.
+ Gila the Silvertongue (COMMANDER) -- When you cast votes: You may spend any number of trade goods; cast 2 additional votes for each trade good spent.
+ Harrugh Gefhara (HERO) -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION: You may reduce the cost of each of your units to 0 during this use of PRODUCTION. If you do, purge this card.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Vuil'raith Alliance -- When you produce fighter or infantry units: Up to 2 of those units do not count against your PRODUCTION limit.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Letnev Alliance -- After 1 of your units uses SUSTAIN DAMAGE: You may gain 1 Trade Good.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Vuil'raith Support for the Throne
+ (RELIC) The Prophet's Tears -- When you research a technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore 1 prerequisite or draw 1 action card.
+ (FULFILLED SECRET OBJECTIVE) Forge an Alliance -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Control 4 cultural planets.
This post has been edited by D'rek: 06 September 2021 - 11:59 PM