Swap Support for the Throne PNs with Twelve
Trade Secondary: Pay 1 ST to refresh my commodities
Trade 4 commodities to Morgoth for 2 commodities and 2 TGs
Warfare Secondary:
Use Acquiesence PN
ACQUIESENCE Ω | Play when the Winnu player resolves a strategic action: You do not have to spend or place a command token to resolve the secondary ability of that strategy card. Then, return this card to the Winnu player.
Use following action card:
DV | War Machine | When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION: | Apply +4 to the total Production value of your units and reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
Exhaust Primor, The Dark, Sem-Lore for 8 Resources + 3 TGs + War Machine = 12 resources
Produce 1 Dreadnought, 1 Carrier, 2 Mechs, 2 Infantry
Activate Bakal/Alio Prima
Move 1 Carrier, 2 Mechs, 4 Infantry from Home System > Gamma Wormhole > Mallice > Alpha Wormhole where Khell's flagship is > Bakal/Alio Prima (+1 movement from Gravity Drive, +1 movement from Aether Passage)
Move 1 Cruiser from next to Khell's Home System
Invade Bakal with 1 mech, 3 infantry
Invade Alio Prima with 1 mech, 1 infantry
Explore both planets via Morgoth's Commander (assuming I successfully invade both)
Bakal ground combat:
1x Mech(6) -> [7] -> 1 hit
1x Infantry(8) -> [4]
1x Mech(6) -> [7] -> 1 hit
3x Infantry(8) -> [8][10][4] -> 2 hits
Khell destroys his mech and infantry.
Blend sustains damage on his mech.
Blend wins the combat.
Naaz-Rokha Alliance -> Explore Bakal -> EI10 | Functioning Base | You may gain 1 commodity, or you may spend 1 trade good or 1 commodity to draw 1 action card.
Gain 1 commodity.
Alio Prima ground combat:
2x Infantry(8) -> [4][5]
1x Mech(6) -> [9]
1x Infantry(8) -> [8]
Khell destroys both his infantry.
Blend wins the combat.
Naaz-Rokha Alliance -> Explore Alio Prima -> EC10 | Demilitarized Zone | ATTACH: | Return all structures on this planet to your reinforcements. Then, return all ground forces on this planet to the space area. ATTACH: Units cannot be committed to, produced on, or placed on this planet. During the agenda phase, this planet's planet card can be traded as part of a transaction.
Victory Points: 4
Strategy Card: LEADERSHIP
Command Pools: 0T | 2F | 0S
Goods: 1/4 C | 1 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 4
Promissory Notes: 4 Empyrean,
1 Naaz-Rokha,
1 Winnu
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
+ The Dark (3/4)
+ Sem-Lore (3/2, yellow)
+ Kraag (2/1)
+ Siig (0/2,
red) (Warfare Research Facility)
+ Primor (2/1, legendary)
+ Ba'kal (3/2)
+ Alio Prima (3/2, De-militarized Zone)
Dark Energy Tap --
After you perform a tactical action in a system that contains a frontier token, if you have 1 or more ships in that system, explore that token. Your ships can retreat into adjacent systems that do not contain other players' units, even if you do not have units or control planets in that system.
Antimass Deflectors --
Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
Gravity Drive --
After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value of 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
Aetherstream --
After you or one of your neighbors activates a system that is adjacent to an anomaly, you may apply +1 to the move value of all of that player's ships during this tactical action.
Light/Wave Deflector --
Your ships can move through systems that contain other player's ships.
+ XRD Transporters --
Upgrades your Carrier blueprints to Carrier II.
+ Acamar (AGENT) --
After a player moves ships into a system that does not contain any planets: You may exhaust this card; that player gains 1 command token.
+ Xuange (COMMANDER) --
After another player moves ships into a system that contains 1 of your command tokens: You may return that token to your reinforcements.
+ (FULFILLED SECRET OBJECTIVE) Threaten Enemies -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Have 1 or more ships in a system that is adjacent to another player's home system.
+ (PRIMOR) The Atrament -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to place up to 2 infantry from your reinforcements on any planet you control
+ (RELIC) Stellar Converter --
ACTION: Choose 1 non-home, non-legendary planet other than Mecatol Rex in a system that is adjacent to 1 or more of your units that have Bombardment; destroy all units on that planet and purge its attachments and its planet card. Then, place the destroyed planet token on that planet and purge this card.
+ (RELIC) Dominus Orb --
Before you move units during a tactical action, you may purge this card to move and transport units that are in systems that contain 1 your command tokens.
Naaz-Rokha Alliance --
After you gain control of a planet that was controlled by another player: You may explore that planet.
Winnu Support for the Throne
+ (FRONTIER CARD) Enigmatic Device --
Place this card faceup in your play area. ACTION: You may spend 6 resources and purge this card to research 1 technology.
This post has been edited by Blend: 16 February 2021 - 01:45 PM