Secondaries: None
Tactical Action: -1TCT Activate Mecatol Rex
<Movement from Lisis/Velnor Using Aetherstream for +1 movement for dreadnought
1 flagship
1 dreadnought
3 carriers
7 fighters
4 mechs
10 Infantry leaving 1 infantry on Lisis and 1 on Velnor
Space Cannon Offense:
Khell: 1x PDS(6) -> [4]
Round 1
Anti-Fighter Barrage
+ 1 Destroyer -> [10][2] -> 1 hit
+ Son of Ragh(6*4) -> [3][1][5][3]
Twelve destroys 1 fighter
Announce Retreats
Khell announces a retreat
Combat Rolls
+ Son of Ragh(5*2) -> [4][3]
+ 2 Dreadnought(5) -> [4][10] -> 1 hit
+ 1 Destroyer(9) -> [5]
+ 3 Fighter(9) -> [2][2][10] -> 1 hit
+ Salai sai Corian(7*4) -> [1][7][9][9] ---Rickani----> [3][9][11][11] -> 3 hits
+ 1 Dreadnought(5) -> [6] ---Rickani----> [8] -> 1 hit
+ 3 CarrierII(9) -> [8][9][5] ---Rickani----> [10][11][7] -> 2 hits
+ 6 Fighter(9) -> [7][6][7][5][5][9] ---Rickani----> [9][8][9][7][7][11] -> 3 hits
Twelve destroys 2 fighters.
Khell sustains damage on each dreadnought and the Son of Ragh, then destroys 2 fighters, 1 destroyer, and 2 dreadnoughts.
Khell retreats with the Son of Ragh and 1 floating factory to the Perimeter system, transporting 1 mech and 5 infantry from Mecatol Rex.
Commit Ground Forces
Twelve commits all ground forces to Mecatol Rex
Twelve plays Ragh's Call:
Twelve moves all Saar ground forces on Mecatol Rex to Lisis II.
Space Cannon Defense
Khell: 1 PDS(6) -> [8] -> 1 hit
Twelve sustains damage on 1 mech.
Ground combat: n/a
Establish control
Khell's PDS is destroyed. Twelve takes control of the planet.
TRANSACTION: Twelve gives Khell a Winnu PN. Khell gives Twelve a Saar PN.
Reclamation build 1 pds
Reclaumer build 1 pds
Victory Points: 4
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 0T | 5F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 2
Promissory Notes: 4 Winnu 1 Saar
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 0 unfulfilled
+ Dark Energy Tap -- After you perform a tactical action in a system that contains a frontier token, if you have 1 or more ships in that system, explore that token. Your ships can retreat into adjacent systems that do not contain other players' units, even if you do not have units or control planets in that system.
+ Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value to 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
+XRD Transporters -- Upgrades Carrier blueprint to Carrier II
+ Rickar Rickani (COMMANDER) -- During combat: Apply +2 to the result of each of your unit's combat rolls in the Mecatol Rex system, your home system, and each system that contains a legendary planet.
+ (FULFILLED SECRET OBJECTIVE) Produce en Masse -- Have units with a combined PRODUCTION value of at least 8 in a single system.
+ (RELIC) The Crown of Thalnos -- During each combat round, this card's owner may reroll any number of their dice, applying +1 to the results; any units that reroll dice but do not produce at least 1 hit are destroyed.
+ Blends SFFT
This post has been edited by D'rek: 12 March 2021 - 05:38 PM