Tsundoku, on 09 October 2020 - 11:05 AM, said:

Kushner and the Turtle are at least close to the end they spend most of their time tonguing.
Gun-toting (yet Pro-life, how does that work?), bible-thumping, evangelical Republican "Christians": Oh wow, that's a great work of art!
Every other Christian on Earth: What. The. Actual. Fuck?
Heck, shouldn't that even piss off Muslims, what with JC apparently being #2 in the prophet hierarchy?
Agree with Simmo - who did that and to what purpose?
If the purpose was satire, it may have the opposite effect.
If it was praise, then ... ?????

It's like Schrodinger's Trump.
Still no wiser. Artist is "Piggy Banksy" which seems to be some sort of collective artsy-fartsy project.
Hmm, Ron Silliman captioned it as 'the latest Banksy' but it's not clear whether they're connected.
This is almost certainly the source painting:

'Trump Wanted to Don Superman Shirt to Leave Hospital
[...] he was considering wearing a Superman T-shirt underneath his customary white button-down and red tie during his first public appearance, The New York Times reports. He would, he said, fake a frail walk at first, then open the shirt to reveal the iconic "S" insignia to demonstrate he was strong and free of the coronavirus. The White House has dodged questions for nearly a week now of when Trump last tested negative for the virus.'
(Wouldn't 'SS' be more appropriate?....)
'Taliban Endorses Trump Re-Election Campaign, Hopes for Total US Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan'
'Polls show that the bottom has dropped out of his support among seniors, so Trump stood on the South Lawn and spoke into a camera. "To my favorite people in the world, the seniors," he intoned. "I'm a senior. I know you don't know that. Nobody knows that. Maybe you don't have to tell them. But I'm a senior."'
"I'm back because I'm a perfect physical specimen and I'm extremely young."
Young. Old. No stimulus. Huge stimulus. One thing about which the president remained certain was the urgent need for the Justice Department to jail his political opponents — including the Democratic nominee, former vice president Joe Biden, and former president Barack Obama.
Attorney General William P. Barr probably thought that by sacrificing his reputation to become a slavering toady, he would remain safely in Trump's good graces. Once again dialing in to Fox News, Trump turned on Barr, telling Sean Hannity — between pauses to cough and gag — that he has lost patience with the attorney general's niggling insistence on actual evidence before slapping cuffs on Biden and Obama. Trump also blasted over his Twitter feed a doctored photo of the late comedian Chris Farley in vein-popping character, screaming at Barr: "for the love of God ARREST SOMEBODY."'

'As the president released a misleading and dangerous message to the public about his ability to vanquish the virus, which he said was more like a case of the common flu, his campaign also released an ad showing the president as a professional footballer vaulting over and then knocking to the ground a defensive player dressed as a Covid-19 molecule, and trotting to the end zone.'
Youtube caption: 'The radical left wing NFL took down this @TeamTrump ad on twitter for copyright infringement. '
[Edit: 'Jared Smith
I have 3 poems in this latest wonderful issue of Chiron Review--and yes, that cover photo of the Review depicts who you think it is, and is by Banksy!'
They may have just confused 'Piggy Banksy' with 'Banksy' though.]
This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 11 October 2020 - 12:15 AM