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Favoured Tragic Death

Poll: Favoured Tragic Death (282 member(s) have cast votes)

  1. Whiskeyjack (50 votes [17.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.73%

  2. Felisin Paran (33 votes [11.70%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.70%

  3. Coltaine (84 votes [29.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 29.79%

  4. Baudin (6 votes [2.13%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.13%

  5. Ceda Kuru Qan (6 votes [2.13%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.13%

  6. Brys Beddict (13 votes [4.61%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.61%

  7. Brukhalian (10 votes [3.55%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.55%

  8. Itkovian (59 votes [20.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.92%

  9. Hull Beddict (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  10. Other (post your opinion) (21 votes [7.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.45%

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#41 Guest_Didius_*

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 12:12 PM

Felisin, without a question

Of course. This is how you break an unbreakable chain.
By dying.

Heavy. So very heavy…
Oh, Mother, look at us now.

Don’t really have to say more than that, do I

#42 User is offline   Orfantal 

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 02:07 PM

Itkovian for me, just shading out Whiskeyjack and Felisin.

Coltaine's didn't feel tragic in the same way as it felt almost inevitable.

#43 User is offline   GaesII 

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 06:30 PM

I voted Coltaine..........the total desperation of that situation and his inevitable demise were so tragic.
I found DG far too gloomy though.........much preferred GOTM........I love that book........could read it over and over again and never get bored.

#44 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 03 December 2005 - 10:22 PM

Brys was another one... Every time I read it, I get all teary eyed. It's like "Dude! If you lived you could have pwned the whole Edur army by yourself!" :)
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#45 User is offline   Agraba 

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Posted 04 December 2005 - 09:37 PM

Hah... no, Trull would wipe the floor with Brys, with his trusty spear.

The single most tragic, throat-constricting moment for me was when Tehol got beaten up. But that's because I was sure he was dead. Y'know... the whole head stomping. But then it turned out that it's not a death, and therefore, I didn't vote "other".

Coltaine's death was a relief. It was his captivity, and the soldiers keeping him alive in his condition that was tragic.

Anyways, the biggest death for me was Itkovian. But that's because what he did was the single most heroic thing I've ever seen in books, movies, or other forms of media that entails the writing of a fiction/non-fiction story. But that is because the T'lan Imass's story is one of the most tragic.

Tiste Simeon, does "York" refer to York University?

#46 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 02:22 PM

Trull wouldn't beat Brys - he as much as admits it. Fear admits it as well, and apparently Fear is a better fighter than Trull...

And yes, York is York, Yorkshire, England, where there is a rather good university. I actually currently live in Cardiff, and my family has moved away from York but I was born and brought up there. One of the privileged people, one might say... :)
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#47 User is offline   Trotts 

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 04:13 AM

theres also a york university in toronto :)

and i think brys could carve up trull even if trull has a spear.

definetly, tehols beating was extremly painful to read, and i cry everytime i have to reread it. i hope theradas got a special place in hoods realm where he will be eternally tormented!

#48 User is offline   Called-by-the-Voices 

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Posted 29 December 2005 - 09:44 PM

Itkovian by a million miles...
Never had I encountered such a character in my life... In fact, I think he impacted my real-life.. Such goodness radiating from his heart..

And his last thoughts on compassion--- I have to stop or I'm gonna cry..

WJ died stupidly. Brukhalian and Baudin come second, followed by Kulp.
I never was that touched by Duiker and Koltaine...
And one by one the gardens died

#49 User is offline   Kallor 

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 05:16 AM

coltaine...even though it's from a distance (none of the other deaths inspired me to try and do a film of it)

#50 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 10:37 PM

Iktovian got on my nerves and I thought his death was stupid (while still worshipping the books of course ^_^ ). I guess being irritated by such a selfless person gives something of an insight into my personality that I should keep hidden.

Whiskyjack got me. I probably cried more when Coltaine died, but Whiskyjack died because of dumb pride. He was a bigger character in my eyes so the tragedy felt bigger.
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#51 User is offline   Cold Iron 

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 04:59 AM

Bairoth Gild. ^_^

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#52 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 29 January 2006 - 10:38 PM

I went for the Ceda as before his death every1 beleived he was mad. He then went and dun over the entire nation of the edur. But then Trull (another 1 of my favorites) skewered him.

It was a clash of souls within me. :eek:

Mind you i wish i could change my vote as on a reread of DG i found that i was totally moved by Coltaines death

#53 Guest_pstanton_*

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 02:58 AM

I wanted actually to see Tattersail on this, Tattersail had been my favorite person in Gardens of the Moon and then that moronic fool Bellurdan forces her to use Thyr, which kills her. Bellurdan got what he deserved when he died.

I voted Itkovian though, he basically sacrificed his life for the T'Lann Imass, and that was definitly a tragic, noble end.

Whiskeyjack and Coltaine also had bad endings, Coltaines just made me want to kill Pormqual though, and Whiskeyjack's..... well, we've always known Kallor was a shifty character. So those deaths aren't so much tragic as they make me mad. The way the part when Whiskeyjack died took place from Korlat's point of view was kinda sad though...

#54 User is offline   Dolorous Menhir 

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 07:49 PM

A little recognition for those whose deaths fall by the wayside.

Coltaine's doomed command: Bult, Corporal List, Captain Lull, Duiker's nameless marine; all falling with Coltaine outside Aren's walls. List in particular, it really got to me.

The late but near totally unlamented Kulp. He was a great mage and the character I identified with the most in Felisin's party in Raraku, he went through all that because Duiker asked him for a favour, travels several warrens and most of a continent and then BAM he gets wasted mid-sentence. Gutted.

The warehouse guard, Chalas I think, who gave his life to save Tehol at the end of Midnight Tides.

Duiker, who's not on the list because he didn't really die, but for those few chapters when you though he really had bought it the sense of betrayal was immense. Awe-inspiring.

Delum Thord (lobotomised FA-style then a spade to the head? where is the dignity?) and Bairoth Gild (Lead me, warleader!). It was such a waste.

King Diskanar and his court (except the Chancellor). The imagery of the final scenes in the throne room: the glum King slumped in his throne, the ringingly empty pronouncement of Empire reborn, the group suicide; these scenes just leapt off the page and into my imagination like nothing else. Strangely evocative, strangely powerful.

Akarony's and Calot, I just wanted to know more about them. High Mages are just plain interesting characters, and to just kill them seems such a waste.

Similarly for Kamist Reloe (mysterious High Mage who pursued Coltaine across a continent and planned to betr - BAM DEATH MAGIC) and Bellurdan. Not so much Febryl and Bidithal.

Adjunct Lorn. I felt nothing for her until Paran lifted her body, and in passing noted how light it was. Only then did I sympathise with her.

The two female marines who died with Whiskeyjack at Kallor's hand. Always an even exchange.

That guy that Kalam fought in Korbolo Dom's tent, said something arrogant like "Don't you remember me" which Kalam evidently did not. I was waiting for a flashback or some reference but Kalam just stabs him and moves on. (erring away from tragic here but it always bugged me, who was that guy?)


Inexplicably absent from the poll - Sormo E'nath. Was anyone not shocked when he fell? And to die so mundanely, an arrow in the neck, his throat filling with blood as he tried to aid his people. Also the nameless warlock who died so grotesquely during the abortive strike on the Semk warleader/possessed/God fragment guy. His face being peeled away, that stuck with me.

Messremb. Don't know why, he was just Icarium's buddy, the "good" Soletaken and then the Azath took him. The end.

Destriant Karnadas.

The female mage at the battle between the Queen & Princes forces and the Edur. She alone of her cadre lived through the bones-o-death assault, and then reeling and sheathed in blood got grotesquely impaled by (I assume) Trull. Just felt really sorry for her. Also the Ceda's mage, Alrudha Ahn, who died facing the sea spirit. I just plain hate it when mages die (except Bidithal and - fingers crossed - Mallick Rel).

The Bridgeburners who died in Coral. In particular Trotts, fighting beyond the bitter end, and Hedge going out with a bang. There were so many others, but those I remember even now.

The nameless T'lan Imass who gave Stormy his sword and went off to eternal torment. So he didn't really die, it was still pretty tragic, no?

Hairlock. Well, I liked him. And he was so helpless at the end, the image of the tiny wooden doll flopping bonelessly to the ground (admittedly hilarious) was also pitiful.

Doan and Ganrod, magnificent in life, pitiable in death.

Of the names at the top it would have to be the Ceda (no matter what Trull does he'll never be forgiven for that atrocity) and Itkovian, for the same reasons as everyone else. For those reasons I read these books, over and over again.

#55 Guest_pstanton_*

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 04:05 AM

*quotes above message*

I agree, I though List's death was pretty sad. Kulp's death was tragic just because it was so sudden after he'd been through so much.

The Marines killed by Kallor was also tragic, they were protecting their friend, Tattersail reincarnate.

And Adjunct Lorn, her death was so mundane....

And the Bridgeburners at Coral, the Bridgeburners were already a decimated unit, only 32 or something left. And then more died.

#56 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 07:56 PM

as to kalams adversary in HOCi believe he was one of the body guards to the holy falahd. if you look at korbolo doms assessment 3 of them are from the holy falahd days and there really the only ones kalaam could have known.

#57 User is offline   Dark Mac 

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 01:44 AM

Itkovian's funeral was the saddest moment. I cry and cry every time I read that scene.

But for actual deaths, it has to go to Brys Beddict. It was just so...preventable. Same with Felisin's, although I was more saddened by that because Tavore never figured out that Sha'ik Reborn was Felisin.

#58 User is offline   The Crazy Mob 

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:23 AM

It has to be Whiskeyjack for me. Just the sheer shock of it. Coltaine technically survived and the others were expected somewhat but Whiskeyjack had won!!

#59 User is offline   Mane of Chaos 

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 08:30 AM

First of all, I have to admit that I have so far got to House of Chains and I haven't had the chance to read Midnight Tides because it hasn't been translated into my native language yet. This is why I don't recognize some of the characters you're talking about. But I have to say that I believe that the most tragic death in the first four books was that of Coltaine. I truly hoped that in the end he would make it to safety, that he would not be slain. I was shocked when he was killed. I think that Whiskeyjack's death was very tragic too. Although Whiskeyjack died quickly, his death saddened me more than Felisin's or Baudin's death. The deaths of Coltaine and Whiskeyjack were most certainly the ones that touched me most.

#60 Guest_Malachi_*

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Posted 27 April 2006 - 11:40 AM

Lorns death touched me more than the others just for the irony of how she was killed.

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