Obdigore, on 07 October 2015 - 12:43 PM, said:
Wait, why are we apologizing to Nico because under his suggestions this thing would be even more common. He is espousing giving everyone guns and just letting people shoot each other, including children.
I am letting everyone. Oh my!! Look at all my power I have now, how neat.

Also remember this is just one mans opinion. I really feel you may be taking this out of context and applying your view of how it looks, versus how such programs would actually work. Eddie Eagle is very age appropriate. As of today, we have to figure out how to co-exist and the goal is to make us all safer. I never would want anyone to be hurt, or killed. I see this from a different angle then you as I have accepted guns are here to stay-- a long time ago.
Obdigore- Questions for you, just for curiosity
A) Do you think it's wrong to send our most precious asset we have that are defenceless themselves and then post Gun-free Zone signs outside the place.

Do you believe the media should moderate these school shooting, or censor these shootings effectively? I realize the negative implications and what this sounds like. However, this would be a Media censor. +/-
I will give you a point, if the government wanted to do a gun buy back that's cool with me. Following the same program Australia did after doing research though this would indicate roughly 40 million guns could be taken.
@ Gnaw
All those are sensible. I believe you would face a huge climb on the ammo restrictions are tough due to the reloading community. I can't quite navigate the black gun argument and have been considering the implications. Some of them are important to maintain for a safe future moving forward from how I see the world currently. However, I don't have a problem really with restrictions if we as a
Society decide to move forward. The problem will always result when the other side always always goes to complete removal. It flags too many alarms. I would argue I have a way more trusting attitude of the government than most, like I don't believe the TRUTH movement. Many many people do it seems, i dont see how any TRUTHER would ever let go of the 2nd amendment in any shape, or form. Think on that.
I don't think complete removal will ever happen, so to approach this argument with logic we need to work with technology and Psychology. The first step is to reduce the violence and make people feel safe and work on the current criminal system. I would further add +X years to a charge for accessory of a crime where someone else has a gun. Make that a national standard. I think Texas does something similar to this now, but for deadly crimes.
@ all:
In the next decade there will be a new way to acquire guns with E-guns, Obama just <this week> tried to squelch this with making it illegal to share these plans. I think technology will win out <it always will> and in twenty years with 3-D printers, we will have people literally able print guns. Food for thought.
.. Following numbers 20/million new guns sell y/y. So in the next decade 300+-> 500+ million total guns following trends.
This post has been edited by Nicodimas: 07 October 2015 - 08:44 PM
-If it's ka it'll come like a wind, and your plans will stand before it no more than a barn before a cyclone