in 2018 in the US 100% of extremist murders were involved in
right-wing movements. Virtually all were white nationalists of one stripe or another, though a single individual apparently was attracted to both white supremacy ideology AND Islam and 'switched over' so to speak, so I'd imagine he was drawn to the fascistic violence of both.
More broadly:
Last year’s murders at the hands of right-wing extremists reflect an ongoing trend. ADL’s Center on Extremism, which has aggregated data going back to 1970, shows that over the last decade, a total of 73.3 percent of all extremist-related fatalities can be linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 23.4 percent can be attributed to Islamic extremists. The remaining 3.2 percent were carried out by extremists who did not fall into either category.
So it's not that Islamic extremists aren't a threat to lives, clearly, though as a domestic threat it's shrinking and much, much rarer than like the 1970s. But it's also a threat dwarfed by another ideology that gets almost zero coverage -- definitely no extended coverage by the vectors through which most people get their news/information. This single-minded focus on one type of terrorism contributes (deliberately) to Islamophobia -- to a society where the groundwork is already laid -- while also erasing a very real, much more insidious
threat. Like, these same outlets tried to turn Richard Spencer into a celebrity, and treated Donald Trump like one every step of his campaign. Plus we don't even count hate crimes, racial profiling, police militarization, unchecked police harassment and murder, as terrorism. We don't even acknowledge ideology's role at all, despite the fact that DJT ran on being anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, and anti-black (coded as pro-police, during the height of reactionary zeal against BLM). So we have a two party system where one is openly white nationalist and the other is caught in a struggle between fulfilling our ideals just a bit vs melting-pot colonialism and war profiteering, specifically on the premise that exploding Muslims is just good business.
We certainly don't consider the civilian deaths from our forever wars.