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Criticism of Malazan Book of the Fallen

#41 Guest_High Mage_*

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 02:43 AM

Tricky expression Posted Image I remember seeing it elsewhere (don't remember exactly where) and I asked a friend who used to teach english (I had the same question you do). It turns out it's correct and used for emphasis. Posted Image

#42 User is offline   Folken 

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Posted 22 October 2004 - 06:07 PM

Well I don't think Kruppe is powerful. Probably K'rul interfered, as he needs Kruppe. I know Kruppe has magic, but surely its not strong enough to withstand the power of an ascendant such as Brood.

Now, something that can do that has gotta have some kind of safety catch.

Maybe the safety catch is instead of being extremely mad Brood has to be extremely depressed Posted Image because remember when he saw all the slaughter towards the end of MoI how emotional he became? He decided that if the Seer won the war this is what would happen to the rest of the world. So he raised his hammer and asked Burn to forgive him? It was as if Brood was left broken by that sight.
...I think that makes sense Posted Image
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#43 Guest_Coz_*

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 03:27 PM

no definately potsherd. They tended to be walking over them alot when cities of the first empire were uncovered by sand.

#44 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 22 October 2004 - 11:57 AM

An entire mountain range was created. And Brood wasn't THAT pissed, just annoyed. Nothing at all happened when he dropped it into Rath'Burn's hands (other than both her arms breaking).

I think it's fair to say Brood's intent and temper dictate some extent of what happens if he uses that hammer. We never saw him use it in battle, but it would make little sense if he missed a foe, hit the groudn and oopsie! woke up Burn and destroyed the world.

- Abyss, thinks Burn should have given him some coffee instead.

#45 Guest_Torvald Nom_*

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 04:01 PM


Meaning: a "shred", i.e., anything severed, as a fragment of earthenware (Job 2:8; Prov. 26:23; Isa. 45:9)

Its amazing the stuff you can find Posted Image

#46 Guest_dreeling_*

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 06:53 AM

my main criticism is that as someone already said...its like a Marvel convention.

Ok! so theres the whole idea of convergence. why haven't they all had one mega royal rumble or something?????

#47 Guest__*

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Eldered:-
My one dislike of the book, and with the series is that the behavior of the gods (with the exception of Mael in MT) is very much like the Greek mythos. Many of the gods are running around intervening in the lives of mortals, manipulating them (or trying to), screwing them (both literally and well.. not so literally) and what not. I just want to have Erikson break away from that mode of behavior regarding the deity aspect of his series.

I think the reason a lot of the Gods do the "interfering and manipulating" thing is becauase a lot of them were themselves once mortal. Shadowthrone, Cottilion, Dessembrae, Treach, Hood (I think Posted Image). And they ascended and became gods, it stands to reason that they would want to interfere and manipulate the world (inc. it's people, there friends and their enemies) in which they came from. The other god's I'm not sure about. . . (shrugs) But those I mentioned are pretty much the most active ones.

#48 Guest_Broken Sword_*

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 03:38 PM

But remember that in medieval times, most of the fighting was done by the nobles. And the nobles are, by default, male.

hmmmmm........ most of the dying was done by peasants or other non-nobles. remember the ransoming system.

#49 Guest_Broken Sword_*

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:00 PM

The Fokrul Assail was only beaten off & it retreated. This was only due to the fact that there were 2 rather powerful, if understated & facetious Demons present.

No mention if they actually managed to kill the FA. & they didn't come back.

#50 Guest_tamaris_*

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 09:15 PM

Wheel of Time is a rude word. Please don't sue that word in here.
Posted Image

#51 User is offline   Dragnipurake 

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Posted 22 October 2004 - 05:10 PM

i thought he just wanted to show everyone what, or rather how powerful kruppe is. i got the impression that brood knew kruppe was not going to be effected. also, he regains his supposedly lost temper very fast.

#52 Guest_High Mage_*

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Posted 14 March 2005 - 07:56 PM

I rather like must needs.. it's a way to empasize the importance of what's needed.. I do believe phrases like that make the difference in writting.

#53 Guest_Simcha Sabeen_*

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Posted 15 July 2004 - 05:14 AM

Wowowow! Let's not forget Mr Erikson's background, I'd rather see continents shaped by geophysical forces, than by 'some erh... magical, erh... power-thingy-something' like it's done in so many a fantasy novel. What I like so much about the MBoF is the ambiguity. On the one hand down to earth (Insignificant individuals, like Fiddler observed) on the other incredibly powerful beings that seem to care for naught. There's always a bigger fish in the pond.
I think veterans become cynics, inevitably. As for the Gods and Ascendants. I don't think that they are one and the same. Take K'rul for example, he vanished after Kallor's curse and reappeared only after the bloodshed at his temple in Darujhistan tens of thousands of years later. What do we make of that? (Fisher said: a God walking mortal earth trails blood.)
No matter how much the Gods wish to be independent, they are (more or less) at their believers' mercy. As for Ascendants, this might be a whole different story... Since the reasons for Ascendancy are unclear as of yet. I does not seem to be the case that faith is necessarily involved.
Sorry, if I strayed from the main path here... I just got carried away! Posted Image
Generally I do not like fantasy novels that much. But MBoF I simply love since it is originally and so very different from the mainstream.
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#54 Guest_Xenephish_*

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 10:30 AM

It was kinda annoying that it went STRAIGHT into the MT story, with NO introduction, and with little understanding...

It's confuzing....

#55 Guest_Toc the Elder_*

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Posted 10 May 2004 - 05:10 PM

Vietnam ... well, they probably should have listened to Sun Tzu's advice: "never contend with the strong". I got the impression that the Malazan army was around 10-15% women, the best swordsmen would be male, but there would be occasionally women up on the chain of command, ie adjuncts (are they always female ?).

The one thing I didn't like was the length of time between things. 80,000 years (estimated) between the fall of the first human empire and now ? ... that's a long period of time of not much happening. You would think that at the rate human repopulation occurs that a few empires could have come and gone.

#56 Guest_messirah_*

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Posted 02 November 2004 - 06:17 AM

forgot somethin bout kruppe and brood there are so many powerful ppl we dont know about and who knows where the hell kruppe and donkey dreamin to be horse from?????

#57 User is offline   caladanbrood 

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Posted 22 October 2004 - 12:42 PM

Yeah, he didn't use it in seriousness (though he was mighty pissed off) Otherwise he could destroy the world by mistake. Now, something that can do that has gotta have some kind of safety catch. Stupid otherwise...
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#58 Guest_Falco_*

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Posted 06 May 2004 - 05:40 AM

The only thing I have to complain about after reading MT is (and forget the complexity and the superbly balanced powerful characters- they make it great Posted Image) is the similar characters I see in MT ie. Tehol Beddict is basically a merchant version of QB/Kruppe, while Brys reminded me an awful lot of Ganoes Paran and even Itkovian, and (heresy!) Iron Bars was WJ reborn. Unless this was deliberate, SE's re-using his character bio's.

#59 User is offline   Eldered 

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Posted 10 May 2004 - 04:45 PM

Wow! Interesting points.

My one dislike of the book, and with the series is that the behavior of the gods (with the exception of Mael in MT) is very much like the Greek mythos. Many of the gods are running around intervening in the lives of mortals, manipulating them (or trying to), screwing them (both literally and well.. not so literally) and what not. I just want to have Erikson break away from that mode of behavior regarding the deity aspect of his series.

I thought Mael's affinity with Tehol was pretty unique however. If I were a god existing in the Malazan world I'd be pretty melancholy and withdrawn myself, seeing the seemingly endless cycle of war and death. That Tehol gives Mael a brighter outlook on things was heartwarming for me.

As for the ongoing women and fighting issue I have no problem with it.

The dialogue/vocabulary issue I have no problem with. Personally, I wish the world was more expressive in terms of verbal communication. Do you know why I come to MBs such as these, it is precisley because we all have the opportunity to become more expressivce with our language than elsewhere in our lives. And I enjoy the exchanges and dialogue created by the people here. So if Erikson wants to people his world with educated, philosophical people I say let him do it. We need more of it.

I will say this though, by God was Midnight Tides depressing. It was good but depressing.

That's all folks!

#60 User is offline   cruz1701 

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Posted 07 February 2004 - 05:51 AM

On the theme of women in battle, I had always assumed that they tended not to fight as they had to try and protect the kids kinda.

But I can think of at least one warrior women, I think her name was Bodica (sp) she led a lot of the british forces against the romans when they invaded around 50AD I think. I remember there being a few women in their army as well, although I could easily be wrong with that.

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