Gnaw, on 07 August 2013 - 04:00 PM, said:
D, on 07 August 2013 - 03:53 PM, said:
Whelp, now Tatts' dreads are truly pinned. Such arrogance, though, to leave yourself almost 0 defenses. Twelve, what are the odds I can talk you into sending a ship into Pollux, Altair or Vega (or all 3 if you want

I'm going to guess the odds to be zero. I could be wrong.
D, on 07 August 2013 - 04:09 PM, said:
twelve, on 07 August 2013 - 04:05 PM, said:
D, on 07 August 2013 - 03:53 PM, said:
Whelp, now Tatts' dreads are truly pinned. Such arrogance, though, to leave yourself almost 0 defenses. Twelve, what are the odds I can talk you into sending a ship into Pollux, Altair or Vega (or all 3 if you want

Well as I have one action left there is zero chance of sending any more than one ship to anything other than Pollux as I don't trust the KhellGnaw federation not to do a reaction to neutron bomb Arcturus. But it would then put my Dreads at risk as they will be split between two locations and could easily be pinned seperately as well.
You'll be sorry when GP has 40 materials next round and 6 VP from artifact link.
That may be. But that's a concern for another round. This round has been a clear victory for Twelve. Gained some nice tech, talked his two next biggest rivals into canceling each othelr out. And didn't have to fire a shot.
Most importantly he didn't have to use up his stack of materials. He'll have 35 at the start of next round. That's all 4 cruisers, the other 2 starbases, and 2 more interceptors.
So I'll put into words what Twelve is thinking when you say, "You'll be sorry when GP has 40 materials next round and 6 VP from artifact link." It's that famous line from that shitty movie: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."