Solidsnape, on 17 June 2013 - 08:18 PM, said:
So exactly how do these battles work?
Well first you determine which hexes fight first. That is the determined by the highest number hex and then you move on the the second highest and so on and so forth. Then you look at the participants of each indivicual fight. It's usually one vs one unless there is an alliance (not applicable this game) involved. Then you determine who has missles. If both parties have missles then you look at who has the highest inititive. That player shoots first. In the event of a tie the defender gets to attack first. Defender is determined by who was on the hex first. (Influenced hexes without ships will always be the defender even if that player brings in ships after someone else moves into that hex). Then the die(ce) is(are) rolled. All 1's are misses all 6's are hits and everything else is determined by computer and shield modifiers.
So once the first player with missles fires and the number of hits are determined then that player assigns damage how they see fit. If after the first missle barage the other player still has ships with missles then he gets to fire.
After that it moves onto the cannon engaement rounds. This follows the same protocol as the missle round with determining inititive on who shoots first, die rolls, damage assesments, ship destructions. The main exception is where missles only get to fire once cannons fire for as many rounds as necessary until either all enemy ships are destroyed, all your ships are destroyed or one player successfully retreats.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.