Coco with marshmallows, on 09 September 2020 - 07:07 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 09 September 2020 - 03:52 PM, said:
This is the problem with the lack of planning the ST out as an actual trilogy, as opposed to three separate movies where they throw stuff at the wall and see if it sticks. There was no end goal to seek aside from 'good guys win, bad guys lose'.
I mean, Abrams HAD planned out an outline of a trilogy. Johnson ignored it all in TLJ, and we ended up with what we got.
Yes. It's funny how that piece of news got buried when it dropped (about the outline being ignored).
I think the bottom line is this:
JJ and Kasdan were making Film 1 in a new Star Wars series.
Rian Johnson was ALSO wanting/trying to make Film 1 in a new Star Wars series.
They both act like the first instalment, just from different angles.
And when you realize that RJ was writing TLJ when TFA had yet to be finished, let alone screened for see that as totally true for what RJ had planned as a first instalment rather than a middle (which smacks HARD of the guys arrogance; but that's another story). To the point where JJ had Luke floating boulders in his original end scene when Rey finds him (AKA NOT shut off from the force or Jedi) RJ asking him to change that at the last minute because it conflicted with his WHOLE premise about that's the level of disconnect...he wrote his film without consulting the guy who wrote part 1.
I will say that JJ made his own mistakes in TFA:
- Rey didn't need to be anyone. She could have just been a new Jedi. We didn't need the parentage mystery box. That said, once it was ESTABLISHED in TFA, RJ should not have thrown that out in TLJ. So they are both at fault there.
- Boyega should have also been a Jedi. I THINK JJ had planned it, but it should have been more obvious.
- Empire VS Rebels 2.0 was STU-PID.
- Death Star 3 was stupid. I get his logic for why he did it, but it was still stupid.
I still don't know why they didn't do a modified-for-time Thrawn the structure and layout was there, and it just required some tweaks for adult kids ect.
They had the template for a great sequel trilogy in those books, and ignored the fuck out of it to redux the OT.
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 09 September 2020 - 07:38 PM