Tsundoku, on 25 January 2022 - 09:46 PM, said:
Abyss, on 25 January 2022 - 08:08 PM, said:
Yeah pretty much. The relative knew I was into SFF so they bought me a book that looked like it was SFF ...

But I'm quite grateful to them. It showed you could make more complicated concepts readable and entertaining.
Remember back in the 80s SFF was pretty much Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke. Especially in regional Australia (western NSW).
OK, ok we also had some stuff from CJ Cherryh, Andre Norton, Frank Herbert, but I'm really struggling to come up with others. David Brin, Greg Benford, Greg Bear et al were starting to emerge in the later half of the 80s as a sort of newer wave.
While there's some full-on stuff going on in some of their books, Exiles was ... different. Can't exactly explain why.
EXILES fuzzed the sf to fantasy line in a way almost no one else was doing at the time... Cherryh did it but with a heavy lit bend, SIlverberg did but leaned hard towards sf, and Mooorcock was doing it but with all the drugs... May just... made it work.

I was absolutely certain INTERVENTION had already been written and I had started the story in the middle because the level of trust May puts on the reader to figure out what happened before is SE level before SE was SE.
May's 'future' that sets the stage for the Pliocene is fairly modern and she stayed away from a lot of misogyny and racism one might otherwise expect. Occasionally a character drops 'groovy' into a sentence but that's about it
Rermillard is great but there are a pile of glorious characters in this series.
Cool covers.