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The USA Politics Thread

#13281 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 02 October 2022 - 06:19 PM

'Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats "Have Already Started the Killings" of Republicans

"I am not going to mince words with you all," [...] "Democrats want Republicans dead, and they have already started the killings." [...] an intoxicated man [...] hit [a] pedestrian with a car, and then later claimed the pedestrian was "part of a Republican extremist group," according to court documents. [...] Biden "has declared every freedom-loving American an enemy of the state." "But under Republicans, we will take back our country from the Communists who have stolen it and want us to disappear,"'

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats 'Have Already Started the Killings' of Republicans

Trump on Mitch McConnell:

'"Is McConnell approving all of these Trillions of Dollars worth of Democrat-sponsored Bills[...] because he hates Donald J. Trump," [...] "He has a DEATH WISH," [...] "Must immediately seek help and advise from his China-loving wife, Coco Chow!"

[... Trump's] ire may stem from McConnell's support of "a spending bill to avert a federal government shutdown and provide [...] military and economic aid for Ukraine'

He has a 'death wish': Trump targets Mitch McConnell in new Truth Social rant

Her name is Elaine Chao. Not sure where he's getting 'Coco' from....

Wonder if Putin put him up to it?...

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 02 October 2022 - 07:34 PM


#13282 User is offline   Garak 

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Posted 02 October 2022 - 08:06 PM

Why aren't these people in a loony bin already?
The meaning of life is BOOM!!!

#13283 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 09:04 AM

The MTG train wreck will probably continue with even more off the rails lunacy. Hubby filed for divorce (after 27 years). A conspiracy minded person, with family pressures that has divorce at the center of it, will unlikely track her back towards disciplined, sane, data driven decision making.

#13284 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 12:29 PM

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 02 October 2022 - 06:19 PM, said:

Trump on Mitch McConnell:

'"Is McConnell approving all of these Trillions of Dollars worth of Democrat-sponsored Bills[...] because he hates Donald J. Trump," [...] "He has a DEATH WISH," [...] "Must immediately seek help and advise from his China-loving wife, Coco Chow!"

Trump's evil ass knows exactly what he's doing. He's dog whistling to his base with those bolded words.

I have less love for McConnell than I do Trump, so let the snake/Right eat itself.

The Fascism is on such full display but no one on that side wants to see disowning the people on your side who don't tow the line or suckle at the teat of the 'leader' are all of the sudden considered "the enemy"...I have a strange feeling that Trump fans would line up to be given the laced Flavor-Aid even knowing what was in it...
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#13285 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 06 October 2022 - 06:53 PM

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This post has been edited by Malankazooie: 06 October 2022 - 06:53 PM


#13286 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 06 October 2022 - 07:35 PM

Biden Pardoning All Federal Marijuana Possession Offenses and Initatiating Process to Federally Re-Schedule Marijuana.

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon

#13287 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 October 2022 - 08:13 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 06 October 2022 - 07:35 PM, said:

Biden Pardoning All Federal Marijuana Possession Offenses and Initatiating Process to Federally Re-Schedule Marijuana.

It's great news, long overdue... but I wonder if it's just a coincidence that this leaked the same day:

'Feds Think They Have Enough Evidence to Charge Hunter Biden

[...] with tax crimes and lying on gun purchase paperwork. [...] Hunter Biden’s lawyer[... :] “It is a federal felony for a federal agent to leak information about a Grand Jury investigation such as this one,” and alleging that any agent who spoke with The Washington Post broke the law.'

Feds Think They Have Enough Evidence to Charge Hunter Biden, Report Says

In Hunter Biden probe, agents see evidence of tax, gun-purchase crimes

... federal charges, so President Biden could pardon him---though I imagine that would hurt his reelection chances (if he chooses to run again). If he did, Republicans would try to impeach him for it (of course they'll try that no matter what he does...).

If he did commit federal crimes, he should be charged. The charges are significantly less severe and extensive than those against Trump, but they should both be charged. (If he hasn't already Trump is going to start preemptively whining about Hunter not being charged or being pardoned....)

#13288 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 06 October 2022 - 09:44 PM

It's a great decision that should have been done long ago, and I hope the de-scheduling of mj happens ASAP -- and he's also putting pressure on governors to do pardons on the state level, which is decently savvy. Of course, we will now have to hear from the most broken-brained people on the planet complaining that a politician did a good thing just to get votes. Like, no kidding. That's what's supposed to happen.

Could not care less about anything Hunter Biden has ever done in his entire life.

They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#13289 User is offline   Tsundoku 

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Posted 07 October 2022 - 07:59 AM

View PostMalankazooie, on 06 October 2022 - 06:53 PM, said:

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Sorry dude, no idea who blue mopey guy on the right is.

And is that Biden with his arm around the lady and talking to the Florida cracker?

This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 07 October 2022 - 08:00 AM

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#13290 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 07 October 2022 - 10:11 AM

DeathSantis and Dark Brandon (also 'Dank' Brandon, cause... *water-bong-bubbling noises)

#13291 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 08 October 2022 - 01:59 PM

'“Dr. Oz began the week with a story about him killing puppies,” [...] “and now is ending it standing in front of Hitler’s car. Truly a landmark in the history of U.S. Senate campaigns.”'

'car – emblazoned with a red swastika flag – that actually was used by Adolf Hitler. [...] which made it into the background of attendees’ photos'

'[... as] predicted by “The Simpsons.”'

'“chair of the event, Palmer Luckey, is Gaetz’s brother-in-law and the billionaire founder of Oculus VR.”

“Luckey is a Donald Trump supporter and, in 2017, he was photographed with Steve Bannon and white supremacist Chuck C. Johnson, with both Johnson and Luckey flashing a white power gesture. [...] Luckey is also the head of a military technology company called Anduril that makes surveillance equipment used on the US border and is now making drones. The company has multiple contracts with the Department of Defense and Gaetz, meanwhile, sits on the House Armed Services Committee.”'

Dr. Oz campaigned in front of Hitler’s car at a fundraiser hosted by Matt Gaetz’s in-laws and Rick Scott’s NRSC: report

Dr. Oz Stood in Front of One of Hitler's Cars at a Fundraiser and Had Jordan Peterson Call In

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Posted 09 October 2022 - 02:09 AM

Hey who is this sitting Senator of the United States talking about? I’d like to know what the crowd is cheering and applauding.

They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#13293 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 09 October 2022 - 05:51 PM

'our highest court only rules on approximately 70 cases a year out of the 7,000 petitions for review that are presented. It is a relatively lazy court. In contrast, the supreme court of Brazil rules on approximately 100,000 cases a year. If the US court agreed to accept the Moore case for review, it almost certainly plans to endorse this rogue ISL theory, that could blow up elections and democracy in the United States as we know it.

[...] The Moore case would in practice strip people of the right to fair elections by placing electoral power in the hands of a small group of officials at the state level who set district maps. In a presidential election, these officials could determine what slate of electors gets put forth to the electoral college, regardless of the outcome of the state’s popular vote.'

The most terrifying case of all is about to be heard by the US supreme court

IDK about 'almost certainly'... there could be a majority on the court that wants to clearly rule against ISL before the next presidential election to (try to) prevent chaos?...

#13294 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 09 October 2022 - 09:52 PM

"Hershel Walker could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and impregnate somebody, wait a few weeks, and then personally abort the baby, and he wouldn't lose voters."

#13295 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 10 October 2022 - 03:34 PM

Why Jon Stewart's brutal Leslie Rutledge interview is so important, and so good

'Stewart interviews Leslie Rutledge, the attorney general of Arkansas, which is attempting to ban transgender youth and their families from accessing treatments recommended by every major medical association. During the interview, Stewart does what journalists should be doing a lot more of: After he asks Rutledge to make the case for the state law she fought so hard to bring about, he asks her follow-ups. Stewart uses the basic knowledge of someone who prepared for the interview by reading the available evidence. He asks Rutledge, straight up, to defend a law which prevents the families of trans youth from choosing a treatment option with the evidence, and the most widespread support among expert medical associations. Rutledge cannot answer him convincingly, which is what makes the clip so shareable. Here's one of the jaw-dropping exchanges:

Rutledge: For all of those physicians, all of those experts, every single one of them, there's an expert that says, "we don't need to allow children to be able to take those medications, that there are many instances where…"

Stewart [nodding]: Right … but you know that's not true. You know it's not "for every one, there's one." These are the established…

Rutledge: Well, I don't know that's not true, I don't know that… [y]ou know that.

Stewart: Well, why would you pass a law, then? If you don't… if you don't know that that's true.'

Why Jon Stewart's brutal Leslie Rutledge interview is so important, and so good

She claims the procedures they're referring to are 'irreversible', but apparently that's not true, since gender affirming care in the age range they're discussing (9 year olds, or thereabouts) that's endorsed by all the major US medical organizations seems to be puberty blockers and social affirmation:

'"This is a very reversible form of therapy. What we do is, at the time of puberty, is shut off those hormones, so the person doesn't convert to the sex that they are not," she said. "And then, at the time that they are older and are still sure of their gender identity, we can stop the puberty-blockers and begin transition."

That transition involves hormone therapy — which [is] not as reversible.

[...] the framing of this discussion — that puberty-blocking should be criminalized — belies the fact that there are certain developments that can't be undone during puberty for folks who may be experiencing gender dysphoria, like the growth of body hair and breasts.

"There are these irreversible changes that are going on when young people don't have access to gender-affirming hormone therapy to the gender-affirming health care that are both irreversible and deeply distressing to trans and nonbinary youth," [...] "And [those] have serious impacts on their mental health."

Paxton's opinion classifies puberty-blocking care as child abuse, selectively leaning on peer-reviewed research to make his claim. But several authors of studies cited in the attorney general's 13-page opinion told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he mischaracterized their research.

Paxton specifically cited the World Professional Association for Transgender Health's standards to suggest puberty blockers weren't appropriate for young Texans. The organization said his inclusion of its standards was "completely at odds with WPATH guidance," as he cited the section on standards for surgery — not puberty-blockers.'

What does gender-affirming care for transgender children involve? Let's clear up some misinformation

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 10 October 2022 - 03:34 PM


#13296 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 11 October 2022 - 06:15 PM

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 09 October 2022 - 05:51 PM, said:

'our highest court only rules on approximately 70 cases a year out of the 7,000 petitions for review that are presented. It is a relatively lazy court. In contrast, the supreme court of Brazil rules on approximately 100,000 cases a year. If the US court agreed to accept the Moore case for review, it almost certainly plans to endorse this rogue ISL theory, that could blow up elections and democracy in the United States as we know it.

[...] The Moore case would in practice strip people of the right to fair elections by placing electoral power in the hands of a small group of officials at the state level who set district maps. In a presidential election, these officials could determine what slate of electors gets put forth to the electoral college, regardless of the outcome of the state's popular vote.'

The most terrifying case of all is about to be heard by the US supreme court

IDK about 'almost certainly'... there could be a majority on the court that wants to clearly rule against ISL before the next presidential election to (try to) prevent chaos?...

Here's a plausible alternative (that would explain why the Supreme Court has chosen to hear it, without a majority intending to rule in favor of ISL):

'The Supreme Court Has a Perfectly Good Option in Its Most Divisive Case

In Moore v. Harper, the justices should not side with the views of either party.

[...] "independent state legislature doctrine," they contend that because the legislature is exercising a power that derives from the federal Constitution, legislative discretion cannot be limited by state constitutional law. [...]

In response, the state board of elections and allied private parties contend that the term legislature in the Constitution is just another way of referring to the states, and thus that the federal Constitution does not limit the power of a state court to overrule its legislature. Whether the North Carolina courts were right to replace the legislature's map, they argue, is purely a question of state law and not reviewable by the Supreme Court.

[...] The state respondents would rewrite the Constitution to replace the term legislature with the term state. Given the specific references to legislature, executive, judges, and conventions in various parts of the Constitution, it is not plausible to think that these institutional designations can be disregarded as meaningless. Rather, the Framers of the Constitution appear to have believed that a power so central to democratic governance should be vested in the branch of state government that is most representative of its people.

[...] the state legislature is [...] governed by the [...] state constitution. Even in matters of election law, the state legislature meets when and where its constitution says to meet and is organized the way the state constitution says it's to be organized. There is no reason to think that the Framers of the federal Constitution intended to liberate state legislatures from the ordinary constraints of state constitutional law.

Neither history nor precedent resolves this dispute. On several occasions, justices constituting a plurality, or writing non-authoritative asides (which lawyers call "dicta"), have endorsed some version of the independent-state-legislature doctrine, but never in a holding [...]

[...] a sensible middle ground: A state constitution may limit a legislature's power over federal elections, but it may not give that power to somebody else. We need not an independent-state-legislature doctrine, but a constitutional-state-legislature doctrine.

[...] the claim that state courts may hold state legislatures to state constitutional limits does not mean that they can replace the legislature. [...] But it must still be the state legislatures that act.

What does this principle mean for concrete cases? [...] state constitutional provisions can restrain legislative districting, such as by limiting the use of partisan gerrymandering. [... But] the North Carolina courts do not have independent constitutional power to adopt their own map.

[...] a state-court interpretation of state law might be so far-fetched that, in reality, the court is legislating and not interpreting. This could transform what ordinarily would be a question of state law into a federal question.'

SCOTUS Must Reject the Independent-State-Legislature Doctrine

Article doesn't specify, but state constitutions iirc effectively forbid the legislatures from throwing out election results and picking the winners themselves....

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 11 October 2022 - 06:15 PM


#13297 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 13 October 2022 - 04:46 AM

View PostTiste Simeon, on 04 March 2020 - 09:14 PM, said:

View PostMalankazooie, on 04 March 2020 - 09:09 PM, said:

Gabbard is building cachet for when she pivots to being a full time contributor on Fox News. She''ll do well with the victim card devotees of conservative media, and make beaucoup $ with her message"the democratic party rejected me" sob story, paired with Sean Hannity welcoming her to the no spin zone / here is where you belong launch of her Fox News career.

And certain people will absolutely eat it up...

A deep cut callback to gloat and proclaim - Called it!

Haven't paid attention to her since the 2020 US presidentia lelection, but her messaging and where she stood on various issues during that time made it an easy call.

#13298 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 13 October 2022 - 08:09 AM

View PostMalankazooie, on 13 October 2022 - 04:46 AM, said:

View PostTiste Simeon, on 04 March 2020 - 09:14 PM, said:

View PostMalankazooie, on 04 March 2020 - 09:09 PM, said:

Gabbard is building cachet for when she pivots to being a full time contributor on Fox News. She''ll do well with the victim card devotees of conservative media, and make beaucoup $ with her message"the democratic party rejected me" sob story, paired with Sean Hannity welcoming her to the no spin zone / here is where you belong launch of her Fox News career.

And certain people will absolutely eat it up...

A deep cut callback to gloat and proclaim - Called it!

Haven't paid attention to her since the 2020 US presidentia lelection, but her messaging and where she stood on various issues during that time made it an easy call.

Absolutely called it but like you said not exactly a difficult call...
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#13299 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 13 October 2022 - 04:25 PM

'Tucker Carlson’s latest attack against John Fetterman quickly comes back to haunt him

[...] “[...] it does raise some obvious questions. For example, where exactly does the software end and John Fetterman’s consciousness begin?” Carlson asked.

“We don’t know, we can’t know," [...] "But it’s obvious that Pennsylvania could very well be sending a computer program to the U.S. Senate where inevitably it will be hacked.”

Almost immediately after Carlson's segment aired social media users took to Twitter with blistering reactions to his claim. "Tucker Carlson is reading this off a teleprompter," [...] "Where exactly does the teleprompter end and Tucker Carlson's consciousness begin? We don't know. We can't know."

[...] "It's genuinely amazing to me that there's all this fuss over closed captioning, which has been a normal technology for... decades. I have closed captioning turned on for every movie and TV show I watch. It doesn't interface with my consciousness!"

[...] Tucker Carlson is talking about John Fetterman like he's a cyborg'

Tucker Carlson’s latest attack against John Fetterman quickly comes back to haunt him

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Posted 14 October 2022 - 09:29 AM

We can have now lock up for perjury when orange poo lies under path?

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