Silencer, on 21 April 2014 - 08:46 AM, said:
BalrogLord, on 21 April 2014 - 06:54 AM, said:
How? XD I mean, I know there are spin-offs/side stories (like one focusing on Miyuki, and some one-shots for some of the peripheral characters), but I figured those would easily fit into a total run of 26ish episodes. Frankly, I don't see how the series could maintain 4 seasons that weren't back-to-back.
If he means there are going to be two, two-cour 'seasons' (i.e. two sets of 26 episodes), then, sure. Or if the other two or three extra seasons are long-term (because, honestly, last I checked, the main characters have only just finished their first year, in the LNs - while there are additional LNs coming with second-and-third-year stuff going on, I doubt the series will be written fast enough to do this in the short term. I wouldn't expect episodes based on the characters' later exploits to show up until at least next year, if not the year after... :S
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see four seasons of this show (if it continues its present quality), but I didn't think there was the source material for that quantity of episodes.
He told me there are 9 volumes of material. He actually read the thing so im in no place to comment. Also im pretty sure a season refers to 12 episodes as series are released on a quarterly basis.
Honestly, the Spring season is pretty dry, imo. Mahouka is, so far, the only show I'm bothering to follow weekly. I'm considering a couple of others, but nothing else has grabbed me yet (and I *do* have a massive backlog...). I know that Summer isn't going to be that great at this stage either, but that could change over the next few months quite easily. But for Fall to have three A-grade shows/sequels lined up already? The rest of the year almost doesn't matter.
(Granted, Fall seems to do pretty well on average for big releases - but the rest of the year is seeming a bit light at the moment. At least in terms of things to really get in to; I'm sure there's plenty of "casual viewing" stuff floating around, but the series which I will feel compelled to buy once they release on DVD? Not so much.

Nothing else has grabbed your attention? damm man where have you been this season has been exciting so far.
There's hitsugi no chaika which is a fantasy anime which im really enjpyed. Great animation for fights and it's a series that doesn't spoonfeed you all the information at once. Ep1 ends with a large amount of questions yet those questions get answered eventually.
Knights of Sidonia looks interesting so far. Its a good sci-fi series that places you in a context that is completely alien.
No game no life could go either way.
and then there's m3 which ep1 was released shortly. This show could go either way but ep1 was promising.