CapedCrusader, on 21 June 2014 - 03:44 AM, said:
BalrogLord, on 20 June 2014 - 06:02 PM, said:
amphibian, on 20 June 2014 - 04:45 PM, said:
BalrogLord, on 20 June 2014 - 01:58 PM, said:
You can't have a conversation about 90s anime without mentioning cowboy bebop. Go watch it.,
He's just said that he was re-watching Cowboy Bebop. So... what's after that?
i really need to work on my reading.
Anyways 90s... hmm there's Evangelion if you're up for the mindfuck. Beyond that not much to 90s anime that i can recall. For early 2000s anime i'd give darker than black and black lagoon a try.
aslos highly second both of amph's reccomendations To this dayte i've yet to see issues of post humanism tackled in the way GiTS did. I honestly thinkg GitS is up there with the top cyberpunk media such as do androids dream of electric sheep and the matrix.
It doesn't have to be from the 90's I just haven't kept up with anime since the then so that was all I had to reference.
P.S. What are your opinions on Bleach? I watched like 3 episodes and it seemed to be a decent show but since there seems to be so many I didn't want to jump in without knowing if its worth the watch.
Have you ever watched Berserk? as far as grim/dark goes that ones a doozy.
Ditto on GiTS as usual. Really good nuevo tech philosophy and story writing.
Bleach is ok, it's good popcorn, plenty of action and entertainment but ultimately its long-winded and cyclical. I'd say watch till it annoys you. Don't feel shy to skip fillers.
Recently I've been watching FMA Brotherhood. Much better story. A ton better than I'd expected. Didn't think there'd be this much of a difference to the overall plot lines.