Played the prologue/demo of "Dreamscaper" . I(ks quite good.
A roguelite with a Souls-y combat (light/heavy/dodge/block/parry), whose main purpose is to collect resources you use to craft gifts in the real world. You use these "gifts" to further your relationships with people IRL. The better your relationship is, the more unlocks are available in the "dream" (aka, combat) portion of the game.
The protagonist Cassidy is so endearingly socially awkward and well-written that I don't mind the fact that it's a RPG-lite (and I'm making tangible progress, so that's obviously encouraging). I beat the first boos once; at which point on my next run all enemies became extra strong and wiped the floor with me in the first area.
I will certainly plug away at it, because it's pretty chill and the combat's got a decent rhyt to it.
ALSO, the demo for Hellpoint got an update that brought with it the ability to rebind controls, prompting me to jump back in.
Hellpoint is... special. Think Dark Souls meets Dead Space.
I've only played just over an hour, and, naturally, I died a bunch. But the game is very generous with currency (called Axions), so after every decent-sized encounter I I run back to the Rift (local bonfire) to get another stat boost.
There's also a pretty serious crafting system, that I only just discovered, having stumbled onto a bunch of crafting/repair stations. Oh, and what's cool here is that if you inflict sufficient melee damage, your Estus flask will refill, ala Darksiders III. I'm rocking a light fighter class with a poignard and a light rail gun, and it's a pretty see bit of kit, all in all.
Just like with Dreamscaper, Hellpoint is another upcoming release I'll be grabbing soon.
I encourage everyone to check these out, since both games offer a significant chunk of content as demos.
This post has been edited by Mentalist: 09 April 2020 - 05:28 AM