I can answer that
Especially as I have played
No Sensible Clothes Allowed Online Tera
Combat is definitely not as "action" style as Tera. Which I do think is unfortunate (even if I found Tera a bit clunky for an action combat system), as I love action combat, but no other MMO out to date is.
If you'll keep reading the rest of what I type, I'll say
However, it is fairly improved.
It does have lock on targeting, but it is not automatic hits if locked on. Missile attacks still have a movement speed, and can be dodged (most ranged attacks do fly pretty fast though).
Everyone has a dodge ability. It's an endurance bar and with my necromancer just under half got used for a single dodge, and it fill back up from empty in... about 10 seconds? (I don't remember exactly).
Dodge does get used a bit less in GW2, as not every enemy telegraphs every attack like they do in Tera. Dodge is more used for getting out of the way of special attacks (telegraphed big hits, getting out of enemy AoE fields, etc).
Pretty much every ability can be done on the move. Some will slow you while you cast them, and apparently a couple require you to be stationary, but I've yet to find one. Consequently combat is fairly active.
You do have an auto attack.
There is also a few other things to consider that aren't necessarily a part of the actual button pushing of combat in GW2 but do affect how it feels to play it.
There is a fair bit of strategy to your build. Every class can fill the roles of offense, defense and support, but you only get a limited number of power slots, so picking your combination makes a big difference to how your character fights and their success in combat (picking powers that work well together goes a long way)
There is more... point to the various abilities. Tera, like most other MMOs gives you a whole shit tonne of powers to use, but many of them are simply different names for essentially the same effect. GW2 powers have more...variation. There are lots of conditions and boons in GW2 and they all do different things. My Tera archer had a whole bunch of different attacks that did bucket loads of damage, and one attack that slowed the enemy. My GW2 necromancer also had a variety of attacks that do lots of damage. One of them also slowed, one immobilised, one drained health, one poisoned, etc. So in combat you cast an ability because you are after a specific effect, and it tends to be more reactionary to the situation than the "rote power order" in other MMOs.
This is furthered by the fact that there is no mana. With some small exceptions, the only thing limiting power usage is their cooldown.
And downtime is lessened by their "downed state" mechanic, and the fact that anyone can resurrect you even if you do die.
So while not action combat, it certainly doesn't play the same as WoW or TOR.
Also, it's easy to forget, that while it is an MMO, it's only the price of a standard game, there is no subscription fee. So as long as you get $60 worth of value out of it, it was a game well bought