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Ye Big Movie thread

#641 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 02:18 PM

@Cyandor: You need to make a long list of recommended anime somewhere.

I can highly recommend two more westerns: Hombre and High Plains Drifter.

#642 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 05:29 AM

Originally posted by RodeoRanch:
Originally posted by Abyss:
Chronicles of Riddick... Did anyone see this? Was it really that bad?.

Yes. Yes, it was. I was half drunk off cheap whiskey and it still sucked. Posted Image Posted Image

Dammit. I LIKED 'Pitch Black'.
Still, when they started comparing it to The Hobbit and saying Riddick would be the next LoTR, things did not bode well.

- Abyss, likes his massive cast-of-thousands sf movies, yes he does, precious... unless it sucks.

#643 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 04:01 PM

I saw a movie a while back called Suicide Kings. It has Elliot from ET in it and Christopher Walken. It's not exactly a masterpiece but when it turns up on tv when you can't be arsed going to bed, it was more than entertaining.
Burn rubber =/= warp speed

#644 Guest_Molly Bloom_*

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 08:01 AM

Excalibur is still my fav. King Arthur probablly always will be. I absolutely loved Merlin in that flick. When I was younger, I was obsessessed with older movies, esp. those starring Errol Flynn. At the time, Flynn's "Robin Hood" was one of my fav. I haven't seen it in ages, so my opinion may have changed, but more than likely, it hasn't. I'm just a huge fan of old movies. Danny Kaye can make me giggle for hours. (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) The Mel Brooks version of Robin Hood is "Men in Tights," isn't it? That was ok, the lead from that movie (I can never remember his name) played Wesley, from "The Princess Bride." "The Princess Bride" has to be one of the best Prince/Princess love stories out there =). Woo, I'm rambling today.

#645 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 08:58 PM

City of God was that good huh?

Damn it!

I have 6 foreign movies I want to see and that doesn't include anime (speaking of anime - Why is Ah my Goddess so popular? Even the well respected movie sucks. It will take several episodes of Berserk to get it out of my system):

Kyua aka Cure
Pistol Opera
Volcano High
Ichi the Killer a.k.a. Koroshiya 1
City of Lost Children
and now: City of God

#646 Guest_Pran Chole_*

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Posted 18 July 2004 - 01:54 PM

Just saw the twilight man. Great thriller, especially because of the realism. Eevrything could happen in the real worl. And probably has. Great psychothriller

#647 Guest_Hedge_*

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Posted 14 February 2005 - 05:32 AM

Yeah Ocean's Eleven (both the remake and the original) are pretty pap.

I watched Dodgeball for the first time the other day. Pretty funny film with some great one-liners in it.

#648 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:29 AM

I know that film!!!!!!! Posted Image
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

#649 Guest_Sha'ik Reborn_*

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 08:45 AM

@ Brynjar: ah, i never knew that. i had to learn the hard way. DAMN!! thanks for telling me Posted Image

Bridget Jones2 was excellent!!! the fight scene was brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!

#650 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 03 July 2004 - 01:58 PM

Batman was a great comic book movie. The problem is all the sequels they do afterwards. You know if they keep doing Spiderman movies they eventually will suck.

And I would bet my first born child that the next installment will have Dr. Connors/Lizardman and the return of the Green Goblin as the movie makes abundantly clear at the end. I would love to see Venom and Carnage, though, that would be awesome. Mysterio is garbage as is the Hobgoblin.

#651 User is offline   Kalahinen 

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 06:38 AM

Has anyone seen a Swedish ninja-movie, The Ninja Mission (from the 80s)? Incredible crap, although funny from time to time.
"Go f*** an escimo!" Just an example...

#652 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 03 July 2004 - 09:03 AM

Spiderman was pretty good (still kind of hokey though but what can you expect? It was based on a hokey comic.)

I hope they put a fresh face in for the next one: Venom or Mysterio...

#653 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 02:35 AM

Last night i stayed up late and watched a 1973 Michael Crichton movie called Westworld. The basic synopsis is: A futuristic amusement park becomes a deathtrap when the androids and computer systems used in it begin to murderously run amok. What more can you say?
Burn rubber =/= warp speed

#654 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 16 July 2004 - 12:42 AM

Kutcher was allegedly fired from a film (shortly before or after the Butterfly Effect) after the director told him that he needed acting lessons.

I saw a trailer for Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. It actually looks really good and the weird thing is that it's directed by the same guy who directed Dude Where's My Car (which should have killed his career.)

#655 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 06:31 AM

Yah but the soundtrack for QotD wasn't bad at least Posted Image. And it doesn't surprise me that they are making a sequel to Underworld. The part at the very end guaranteed that Posted Image.

Just rented Starsky and Hutch. Looking forward to watching it.

#656 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 07 February 2005 - 05:56 AM

I saw Ocean's Twelve.

Felt like a comic book adaption. Whats up with the nightfox and master thieves and whatnot?

And that laser trap sequence was absolutely atrocious.

Why cant they just put their laser traps around the object that shouldnt be stolen instead of positioning them randomly in some other room!?!

#657 Guest__*

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 09:07 AM

Who started talking about Godzilla? *prepares a good slapping* Who was it!!!

But you have to admit that the very first Godzilla was awesome... if one is stoned and or drunk when watching the sock puppet destroy tokyo that is...

#658 Guest_Rallick Nom_*

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 07:45 PM

- Abyss, had the D&D movie surgically purged from his mind.

They're making a sequel starring Paris Hilton. Really.

Saw The Village. Stay away from The Village. Posted Image

#659 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 17 January 2005 - 12:03 PM

I saw Team America: World Police on Saturday. I have never come so close to dying from laughter. It was excellent although the ending wasn't as good as it could have been. But there a plenty of cheap or guilt ridden laughs to be had. The best thing about it is the soundtrack!
Burn rubber =/= warp speed

#660 Guest_Molly Bloom_*

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 08:16 PM

was The Village that bad, really? I've been waiting to see it for a while now =/

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