Ye Big Movie thread
#681 Guest_Slowkat_*
Posted 23 May 2005 - 06:38 AM
Ong Bak is SOOOO amazing! That's the tai fighting one right? Man, the scene with the knife selling lady is my favourite, funny funny fight movie!
#682 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 30 June 2005 - 10:35 AM
I read some reviews on Night Watch so I figured out the gist of it, but a lot of the subplots went over my head. I wonder if the books are any good. I don't think they're available in English.
The last 3 movies I really liked are Batman Begins, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and 3 Iron.
The last 3 movies I really liked are Batman Begins, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and 3 Iron.
#683 Guest_Falco_*
Posted 22 July 2005 - 05:21 AM
Sin City. F*ck me. Everything it was supposed to be and more, the best (most faithful) adaptation of a graphic novel/comic book I have ever seen, every scene felt like a panel come to life. Intense. Go watch it.
Posted 10 May 2005 - 04:36 AM
No, the ending was pretty cack and the spewing scene was only funny because it was so overdone. But I generally chuckled most of the way through.
Burn rubber =/= warp speed
#685 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 17 June 2005 - 09:00 PM
You need Katie Holmes because she is pretty enough to be a love interest without being so voluptous as to destract Bruce from his aspirations. She's also strong enough to motivate Bruce but vulnerable enough to need rescuing.
Batman Begins is good movie with great casting.
Batman Begins is good movie with great casting.
#686 Guest_Fool_*
Posted 29 April 2005 - 12:51 AM
Watched hitch hiker's.
In a packed cinema it got about two half-hearted laughs and a couple of chuckles (mostly at marvin).
Imo, they got every character wrong, especially ford and zaphod... or maybe it was because the actors sucked. Or maybe the material just isnt suited for a film adaption.
It wasnt very funny anyway. On the plus side trillian looked rather good.
Also watched Sin City, which looked really cool but somehow got boring towards the end.
BTW, does anyone here know a site with release dates for movies in the UK (ie. when they come out in the cinema)?
In a packed cinema it got about two half-hearted laughs and a couple of chuckles (mostly at marvin).
Imo, they got every character wrong, especially ford and zaphod... or maybe it was because the actors sucked. Or maybe the material just isnt suited for a film adaption.
It wasnt very funny anyway. On the plus side trillian looked rather good.
Also watched Sin City, which looked really cool but somehow got boring towards the end.
BTW, does anyone here know a site with release dates for movies in the UK (ie. when they come out in the cinema)?
Posted 10 May 2005 - 05:03 AM
Team america is this ?
I got it on DVD a few months ago... Biggest waste of my time in ages it was. First movie in a while also that I just walked out out of too. It just really sucked and was not funny.
BaseKetball, now that was funny,.,
I got it on DVD a few months ago... Biggest waste of my time in ages it was. First movie in a while also that I just walked out out of too. It just really sucked and was not funny.
BaseKetball, now that was funny,.,
Posted 07 April 2005 - 11:11 AM
Regrding Sin City, I didn't hate the movie... I did enjoy it to a certain point, I just disagree with some of the rave reviews, and was on the whole disappointed. Not 'want my money back' disappointed, but 'I wish that it was better so I could've loved it' disappointed. It was fun and had some cool moments, but on the whole I didn't think it was particularly great.
#689 Guest_Falco_*
Posted 15 April 2005 - 10:29 PM
Watched 'Trainspotting' last night. Very disturbing but very cool film. Loved it. Scariest part was the psycho schoolgirl, of course.
Watched it with a mate who had to look away during all the injection scenes. Anyone else who simply can't watch bits of films? I grew out of it at about 14...
Watched it with a mate who had to look away during all the injection scenes. Anyone else who simply can't watch bits of films? I grew out of it at about 14...
Posted 18 June 2005 - 12:55 PM
Finally got around to watching Shaun of the Dead, after recording it off Sky a couple of days ago.
Damn funny

Damn funny

O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti têde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.
Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:05 AM
i saw nightwatch recently, enjoyed it but its really freaky deaky!! cool ideas and great effects, mad film.
saw the jacket, its ok, not great though, kiera just cant act!!!
saw the jacket, its ok, not great though, kiera just cant act!!!
#692 Guest_Narrefisse_*
Posted 25 May 2005 - 05:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by Dark Daze:
I already saw Kingdom of Heaven. It was watchable.
Hitchhikers was watchable too I guess, but without the humor of the book all you have left is a poorly plotted sci fi story.
As for Star Wars what can I say? I am no longer amused by the spectacle (I'd rather watch candy kids play with glow sticks) and Lucas lacks the gifts of depth, insight, and the ability to write entertaining dialogue.
Thee are on the right path, my son.
#693 Guest_Fool_*
Posted 23 May 2005 - 02:56 AM
Uma Thurman!? According to IMDB, she isnt in the movie and didnt have anything to do with the screenplay either?
Posted 11 May 2005 - 06:17 AM
quote:Originally posted by starnberg:
Liam Neeson is good value and so is the big German guy.
What big German guy?
#695 Guest_Fool_*
Posted 16 May 2005 - 02:59 AM
Layer Cake is pretty good. Not as good as snatch or lock, stock... but still very watchable.
And i rather like Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance even though i gather it was a complete flop at the box office.
Please tell me if JSA is any good if/when you get around to watching it...
I watched The Jacket which was... pretty good actually. Even keira knightley was passable in it even though most her acting consisted of lighting cigarettes and sticking fingers in her mouth. Rather liked the end. Mind you, the lead character has got the weirdest nose of anyone i've ever seen. I probably missed like half the plot because i was held in thrall by his nose.
And i rather like Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance even though i gather it was a complete flop at the box office.
Please tell me if JSA is any good if/when you get around to watching it...
I watched The Jacket which was... pretty good actually. Even keira knightley was passable in it even though most her acting consisted of lighting cigarettes and sticking fingers in her mouth. Rather liked the end. Mind you, the lead character has got the weirdest nose of anyone i've ever seen. I probably missed like half the plot because i was held in thrall by his nose.
#696 Guest_Duiker_*
Posted 29 June 2005 - 09:58 AM
Saw The Hithchhikers Guide to the Galaxy yesterday, a tad underwhelmed. Slartibartfast was cool, Arthur Dent really was an idiot,Malkovich was good. But then again Zaphod Beeblebrox was an annoying hyperactive American stoner and Marvin was a lightbulb with wheels. I know the whole premises is ridiculous but this was kind of out-of-synce ridiculour relative to the rest of the idiocy.
So, this movie was nowhere near nowhere near the book. If they don'tdo the sequals, it was kind of a pointless excercise.
So, this movie was nowhere near nowhere near the book. If they don'tdo the sequals, it was kind of a pointless excercise.
#697 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 29 April 2005 - 11:49 PM
My friendly neighborhood Totoro? Like the friendly neighborhood Spiderman?
I just heard about "Night Watch" (the hot new vampire movie from Russia) but it's been checked out at my video store.
However, I did catch the Hungarian thriller "Kontroll" at an art house theater. Very stylish. Takes places entirely in the underground subways of Budapest. It shows what "Neverwhere" could have been if it had a budget and a director with some artistic vision.
I just heard about "Night Watch" (the hot new vampire movie from Russia) but it's been checked out at my video store.
However, I did catch the Hungarian thriller "Kontroll" at an art house theater. Very stylish. Takes places entirely in the underground subways of Budapest. It shows what "Neverwhere" could have been if it had a budget and a director with some artistic vision.
#698 Guest_Fool_*
Posted 25 April 2005 - 05:45 AM
I've seen the edukators?
Pretty good, eh?
Pretty good, eh?
#699 Guest_Slowkat_*
Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:13 PM
I went to the montreal FanTasia 2005 festival and saw Shutter one of the thai reps. What a kick ass movie. It had plays on like all the popular asian horror flicks, but now my neck hurts...
#700 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 09 April 2005 - 01:10 PM
Kung Fu Hustle was alright, but there was too much CGI and not nearly enough character and dialogue humor. God of Cookery was much funnier and Steven Chow balances polish and humor better in Shaolin Soccer.
Also, the fighting choreography is far from Yuen Woo Ping's best, but most of you will love this movie anyway.
Also, the fighting choreography is far from Yuen Woo Ping's best, but most of you will love this movie anyway.