Rebel Moon (Part 1, the something or other I can't give a fuck about) on Netflix. Oh wow, what a steaming pile of shit.
It's like an obsessive Zack Snyder fan doing their level best to take all the worst aspects of Zack Snyder's storytelling and dial them up to 12 (so very beyond 11), in order to out Zack Snyder Zack Snyder.
But it's Zack Snyder himself.
I'm sure you will read a lot of far better written and well-credentialled
diatribes critiques than mine regarding this film. Believe them. For once 23% on RT is the critics being ... generous.
Normally I prefer the audience reviews but wow, this time I'm on the side of the critics. So sue me.
I mean, I knew it was a Zack Snyder production, but I had hopes it would be moderated and be more Justice League Snyder Cut than ... well, whatever epithet you want to give this.
I'd read earlier it was his proposed take on Star Wars which was rejected and so he set it in his own universe, and I guess I have to eat some humble pie and thank whatever lucid moment Kathleeen Kennedy or whomever it was that said "No".
This Universe strongly resembles Star Wars. Or the shittier parts of it anyway. Plus throw in some (a lot actually) of Warhammer 40K, Seven Samurai - ironic considering Star Wars was derived from another Kurosawa work The Hidden Fortress, so it's like a circle jerk or Ouroboros of influences. Think "Battle Beyond The Stars" - except crap.
I counted precisely 2 moments I thought were cool and/or pleasantly surprised me. Sum total maybe 3-4 minutes. And that was it. I'm tempted to spoiler them for you now so you don't have to wade through the shit like I did.
But I won't. Because not only am I not a spoiler, I'm also a sadist.
Let's go through the checklist of elements of a movie:
Plot: shit.
Writing: utter word salad diarrhoea. It's like ZS decided no two sentences could comfortably sit next to each other. Cliched dribble at best. Noone has any real reason to join up, they "just do". Dialogue meant to be inspiring or deep just comes off as cringey. It was like a room full of cymbals slowly being dropped on the floor one by one. I think ZS took a bunch of concepts he saw done far better elsewhere many times and threw them all in and figured more-er is better-er! Not so.
Characterisation: non fucking existent except in the previously mentioned 2 examples. Genuinely couldn't give a rat's arse about any of them. One of them is just abs. I imagine that was his entire character bio in the script notes or whatever it is they use. IMDB tells me his name is Staz Nair, but I thought he was Evan Evagora from Star Trek Picard (the Kiwi Romulan) after a course of 'roids, but I was wrong. Ladies, there's your eye candy but just switch on the active noise cancellation headphones.
Fight Choreography: Embarrassing - not even local dramatic society Shakespeare in the park level.
Cinematography: think "really shitty game cut scene" and you'll be halfway there.
Music: like someone just put a generic Wagnerian choir on repeat. Except not that good.
Direction: Ppppppfffftttt

think of all the things you hate about ZS and max it out. Slow mo action. Style over substance (and the style isn't that good). Overdone unnecessary CGI. You name it, it's all there in spades.
Logic: absolutely non-existent.
Pacing: Snyder obviously thought JJ Abrams flitting all over the SW universe was just too slow.
CGI: OMFG for the amount of money they spent (I'm seeing estimates of $160-250 million) it looks cheap. Asylum cheap. The effects are shite. Everything looks like a really,
really obvious shitty green screen.
Acting: absolute shite. Any previously decent actors knew it was garbage and went with it for the paycheck, and the unknowns were just seriously D-grade. Anthony Hopkins does a droid voice over and intro narration and it's obvious he just walked into the booth, read the lines as written in about 2 minutes, walked out and took his pay and thought nothing more of it. More power to him I guess.
Worldbuilding: just think shot-for-shot Star Wars A New Hope mixed with Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven/Battle Beyond the Stars. That's it.
So much more I could say but suddenly can't be arsed. Just like the cast, really.
I give it 2 overcrowded cliche riddled scripts out of 10. And that's only for those 2 moments I referenced earlier.
The most entertaining thing about this will be the ZS diehards contorting themselves into non-Euclidean shapes to support it, plus all the super lefties drawing some sort of parallel with colonialism and patriarchy and all that shit since everything these days is viewed through that sort of lens.
This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 22 December 2023 - 01:22 PM
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker