I'd be really happy to vote for Gavin.
He's been influential through his actions but has offered very little of his own insight into the game. If we let him, he will always be a low poster this game. if we then all reason like JA (let's lynch someone with more content) then low posting and not offering insight into actions and motives is a) getting rewarded, cool.gif your own go-out-of-jail-card for as long as you keep it up.
However, seeing that Silencer has received votes, has done drive-by-voting without explaining himself (which is a good ground for asking the why and how), and seems to be online every now and then without posting (it's an art, I can't do it), I'm perfectly happy with voting for him to pressure him into talking. Not sure I want to keep my vote on him until lynch, though.
Vote Silencer.
That all being said, I'm looking forward to see Morgoth post now that his main tormentor is dead.
This is a post that stands out in regards to Tapper because here he takes a stand. We've reached the point now where people have to make their opinions show or risk being lynched for being too carefull. But up until this point Tapper have been a very helpfull, polite and easy going player that have just not offended or truly argued against anyone in particular.
So, now that it is time to take a stand, I get snubbed for doing so. Very consistent from you. That personal remark aside, let's move onto your view of me, and combine it with facts.
The weird thing is; helpful, polite, easy going... and then panic? Huh? Doesn't mesh. It just doesn't.
As it stands, i had two votes against me in the whole game, max. In the end, it is the votes that do the reckoning. You know it as well as I do. I'm perfectly happy being third in place on scum radars (also said elsewhere), since it is usually a safe position, so why should I panic?
So, maybe you should question your reasoning, or at the least come up with an explanation for it.
That's exactly the question isn't it? Why should you panic? You'd not be the first killer to panic long before it was necessary. I've done it in the past too. The answer to the question could very well be: because you're a killer.
Tapper snuggled up to a number of players early and tied his fate to my CF result in the begining even though he could by no means know of my allegiance.
His style of play has been one that makes it easy to like him, and thus trust him.
There have been several mentions of how I rub people the wrong way in ways they can't express, i.e. gutfeeling. It's something that's inherent to my playstyle, I always see such arguments around day 2-3-4 in alted games as well. I've grown used to it.
Well here I'm not saying you're automatically rubbing me the wrong way. I'm saying you're being very nice, which combined with everything else is suspicous. It doesn't benefit a killer making enemies because he is too agressive or too arrogant.
Except for a rub with Lace.
Apart from Baudin I think everyone's rubbed with Lace. He's like a get out of jail free card in that respect.
depends on what you read into the long post. You read defense, I intended to point out the development of 2 fast lynch trains as a diversion away from you. Now, it's either my writing style, or it's you using a very convenient argument because it has been mentioned by dkt as well for the better part of a page.
Or it might be that dk and I noticed the same thing?
Funny, that. In the one post you quote, I mention a willingness to vote for Gavin, which i have been expressing for the better part of the late afternoon up until now. Since he and I haven't been in touch/asked each other a single question during the entire game, there was absolutely no need for distancing that way, was there? You conveniently step over it but it was a development going on before you logged on and made this post.
So, here's my somewhat hurried defense because I want my bed:
1) you mostly base your attack on one (long) post, which you (and several others, so I can't directly blame you for it) misinterpreted or in which I didn't make my general intentions clear.
2) you easily admit a sense of: tapper is a likely inno and then feeling... not betrayed, but maybe that you made a wrong judgment? Your statement is that vague, and making someone PI on day 1 or 2 based on little but a feeling is not on the skill-level I associate you with.
3) you can't be arsed due to time to come up with other examples (understandable given the time, I want to sleep as well), but none the less call upon them to convey a general feeling/mood that should help sway others to vote for me. I hope those who agree with you are willing to submit quotes, cause right now, I'm disagreeing against a feeling/memory you have on what happened on this and neither is very substantial, i'm sure you'll agree to that.
Let's face that come the morning.
Really now, distancing is something you do in advance. And mentioning a willingness to vote means absolutely nothing unless you go through with it when it matters.
1) I do not believe I'm misinterpreting your post, but there you go.
2) I'm not angry because I made what seemed to be a wrong judgment. I do that way too often in these games to let that bother me much. What I'm commenting on is the why. What was it that made you seem so innocent? You just struck every right cord with me, something that just strikes me as being implausible so early were it real.
3) My case is mainly based on your major post yes, but everyone should remember that. As for the rest, with as many posts as you have I could show any kind of playing style if I just took the time to pick and chose. Instead I try to show the general feeling of your game, and tries to find whether other people agree with it. To my mind this is a much better way of going about it, not to mention one that is more accurate.
Well, you reasoned things out pretty well, but I think there are 3 defining characteristics of this case.
1) 'the long post.' I'm pretty certain I'm to blame for not making exactly clear in the post itself what it's intention was, but when questioned about it, I tried to make it abundantly clear. Happy to go quote hunting tomorrow if you want a whole list filled with: "it's about the traaa-aaa-aains."
2) your assumption that i was PI from the start that probably gave you a nice, rosy feeling and thus sharpened your disappointment
3) the lack of direct reference. It could be time, if so, be my guest and search for those quotes tomorrow, or maybe people will bring them on themselves if they think you've got a point. Right now, your whole case is based on 'the long post' and a description of your feelings for me.

1) I've already gone over this so I'm not responding again.
2) It was pleasant yes to have one person I believed to be inno. I wouldn't call losing that feeling dissapointment, but rather anoyance at being so easily fooled.
3) I hope I've answered this adequately too.
Your defence does have merit, but it has far from convinced me. I still am quite confident that you are the best choice for today's lynch and I'm standing by it.