tiam;353159 said:
Its not really a direct quote.
The KCCM are the first born of dragons whiich means they are old. Now dragons either came first second or third in the whole who came first thing making there first borns very old. i admit thhis is simply conjecture. Theres a quote in MT about a stretch of land. If you remember the 'explorer' that SE uses to tell us about this plain of vast flagstones is that you cant slip a dagger in eetween the cracks. Havnt got page numbers but if that jogs your memory then in tht extract it says it goes back atleast 500 000 years. This of course makes sense as the Imass where way into there war with the jaghut 300 000 years ago when they did the ritual.
We see in the MOI prologue Kilava take the two jaghut babies into Morn. Now at this point and at other points during the series signs of Jaghut civilisation is seen as younger than KCCM. On all continents KCCM civilisation prcedes everything.
A better quote than all this suggesting the KCCM came first is Kallors quote in MOI that states 'the jaghut were to the KCCM what the Imass were to the Jaghut'. We all presume that Jaghut precedes Imass so why not with the KCCM? Also the quote also says that the Jaghut were driven away by the KCCM at this time. This does not give the Jaghut the numbers or organisation at this time.
Yes, i see your point, but there are some things that do not match entirely. First and foremost, what we have seen of the Jaghut so far has been of the very end of their civilization. Long after -presumably- their war with death. So, the mother of the pannion tyrant and so forth really does not tell us anything of the age of their civilization. At that time, the golden age of the Jaghut was long gone. We know this because already when the Imass declared their war, the Jaghut were few and far spread.
As to the KC and Jaghut musings by Kallor, we have learned that he had known nothing about this war against death, so he would not know if a greater Jaghut civilization preced the KC invasion. To me, this seems more than likely in all honesty. The Jaghut had no such massive civilization when the Tiste destroyed the last remnants of the KC, I think that's fairly clear from what we know. Are you saying that the Jaghut waged war during their enslavement to the KC? It could most likely not have happened after the destruction of the KC as Tulas Shorn witnessed this war on death and he was dead already by then I presume, killed by scabby, or perhaps rake.
So, the Jaghut war would most likely have to have happend before or during their... supression by the KC. I certainly do not believe it happened during as that would just not be... logical