Tiste Simeon, on 19 September 2014 - 12:47 PM, said:
It depends on the episode these days. The girls coming on board full time moved it out of the stagnation it had begun to suffer form the same predictable storylines.
Things that are status quo by Season 7:
1. Penny and Leonard are engaged, and it sounds like she's giving up acting and has found something she's much better at.
2. Howard and Bernadette are married, and living together. (there was actually a REALLY poignant ep where Sheldon finds a letter in Howard's closet from his long-disappeared father, and it's got a great ending)
3. Raj is finally dating people, the wrong people, but at least he's not doing the "I'm so lonely" thing anymore as that was getting annoying.
4. Sheldon and Wil Wheaton are now friends, so when he shows up it's not as an antagonist...which is good because that was a tired storyline.
5. Sheldon and Amy Farrah-Fowler have VERY, VERY slowly moved forward in their relationship and in increments Amy has pulled Sheldon out of his shell enough to actually be okay with being in a relationship, and in last season's finale he kissed her.
6. Sheldon has given up on Physics as a job, and is trying to find something else at the university to do with his genius.
So basically after the girls come on board full time (S5) the show gets better but is still a hit and miss kind of situation. they will do a brilliant episode, and then a lackluster one. It would be worth going through on something like Netflix because you could skip the ones you don't like.
Some nerds take offense to it because they are essentially making fun of themselves and doing extreme nerd stereotypes...but then that's all sitcoms, so I'm not bothered.
I'm still entertained by it...but in all honesty I sometimes just throw it on in the background while I do other things.
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 19 September 2014 - 01:01 PM