Malazan Empire: Return of the Crimson Guard - PROLOGUE - OFFICIAL VERSION - Malazan Empire

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Return of the Crimson Guard - PROLOGUE - OFFICIAL VERSION


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:27 PM

By kind permission of Ian Cameron Esslemont and Bantam/Transworld


© Ian Cameron Esslemont 2008

The Elder Age,
Time unmeasured

The eruption had wounded the world. Denuth, a child of the Earth, was first to penetrate the curtains of drifting cinders and so come upon the crater. Steaming water the colour of slate pooled at the center of a basin leagues across. A slope of naked jagged rock led down to the silent shore. All was still, layered in a snow of ash. Yet a stirring of movement caught his attention and he picked his way to the water’s edge to find an entity sembled in a shape akin to his own with two legs and arms, but slashed and gouged by ferocious wounds. Blood was a black crust upon the one and darkened the waters around him.
Gently, Denuth turned the being over only to start, amazed. “Liossercal! Father’s own first born! Who is it that set upon you?â€
A savage smile of blunt canine tusks. “None. Best ask whom I set upon. Are there no others?â€
“None I saw.â€
The smile crooked down to a feral scowl. “All consumed then. Taken by the blast.â€
“Blast?†Denuth narrowed his gaze upon the alien power. Yes, alien – for who could possibly fathom the mind of one born with Light’s first eruption? “What exactly has occurred here?â€
Wincing, Liossercal shrugged himself from Denuth’s support. He sat hunched, arms clasped tight around himself as if to hold his body together. Thick dark blood welled fresh from his deeper lacerations. “An experiment. An attempt. An assault. Call it what you will.â€
“An assault? Upon what? There was naught here but…†Denuth’s voice died away into the stillness of the ash-choked water. “Mother Preserve us! An Azath!†Glancing about, he took in the immense crater, attempted to grasp the scale of the calamity. It has pained us all! “You fool! Would you stop at nothing in your questing?â€
The pale head rose, amber eyes hot. “I do as I choose.â€
Denuth recoiled. Indeed. And here then was the quandary. Something must be done about these ancient powers before their antagonisms and limitless ambitions destroy all order once again. Draconus’s solution horrifies, yet well now could I almost understand such … exigencies. After all, was not eternal imprisonment preferable to such potential for destruction?
Liossercal struggled to his feet, stiff, hissing at his many wounds, and Denuth knew a terrible temptation. Never before had he heard an account of this entity so vulnerable, so weakened. Soletaken, Elient, what were such labels to this power who may have moved through Light before it knew Dark? Yet now he was obviously wounded almost unto expiration. Should he act now? Would ever such a chance come again to anyone?
As if following the chain of the Child of Earth’s thoughts, Liossercal smiled, upthrusting canines prominent. “Do not be tempted, Denuth. Draconus is a fool. His conclusions flawed. Rigidity is not the answer.â€
“And what is?â€
A pained grimace, fingers gently probed a deep laceration high on one cheek. “I was exploring alternatives.â€
“Explore elsewhere.â€
A flash of white rage, quelled. “Well taken, Child of Earth. He comes, does he not?â€
“He does. And he brings his answer with him.â€
“I had best go.â€
Liossercal threw his arms up, his outline blurring, sembling, but he gasped in mid-shift, roared his pain and collapsed to the shore. A dragon shape of silver and gold writhed over the brittle rocks before Denuth who hurriedly backed away. Boulders crashed into the lake as slashed wings laboured. Eventually, unsteady, the enormous bulk arose to snake heavily away. Its long tail hissed a cut through the steaming waters of the crater.

Denuth remained, motionless. Wavelets crossed the limpid water, lapped silently. The snow of cinders limned the dull black basalt of his shoulders and arms. Then steps crunched over the broken rock and he felt a biting cold darkness at his side, as of the emptiness that was said to abide between the stars. Keeping his face averted, Denuth bowed. “Consort of Dark and Suzerain of Night. Draconus. Greetings.â€
“Consort no longer,†came a dry rasping voice. “And that suzerainty long defied. But I thank you just the same.â€
Rigid, Denuth refused to turn to regard the ancient potent being, and the equally alarming darkness he carried at his side. How many had disappeared into that Void, and what horrifying shape would its final forging take? Such extreme measures yet revolted him.
“So,†Draconus breathed. “The Bastard of Light himself. And weakened. His essence will be a great addition.â€
That which Denuth thought of as his soul shivered within him. “He is not for you.â€
A cold regard. Denuth urged himself not to look.
After some time, “Is this a foretelling – from Her?
“My own small adeptness. I suspect he may one day find that which he seeks.â€
“And that is?â€
“That which we all seek. Union with the All.â€

Time passed. Denuth sensed careful consideration within the entity at his side. He heard rough scales that were not of metal catching and scraping as armoured arms crossed. A slow thoughtful exhalation. “Nonetheless. I will pursue. After all, I offer my own version of union …. Is that not so?â€
Your perversion of it. But Denuth said nothing; he knew he walked a delicate line with this power that could take him should he wish. Only a reluctance to antagonize his parent, Mother to all who come from the Earth, stilled this ancient one’s hand. “Perhaps Anomandaris— †Denuth began.
“Speak not to me of that upstart,†Draconus grated. “I will bring him to heel soon enough.â€
And I hope to be nowhere near when that should come to pass …
The power stirred, arms uncrossed. “Very well, Child of the Earth. I leave you to your – ah, contemplations. A troubling manifestation of existence, this world. All is change and flux. Yet I find in it a strange attraction. Perhaps I shall remain a time here.†Such a prospect made Denuth’s stone hands grind as they clenched.
Ultimately, after no further words from either, the soul-numbing cold night gathered, swirling, and Denuth once again found himself alone on the bleak shore. It occurred to him that peace would evade everyone so long as entities such as these strode the face of the world pursuing their ages-old feuds, enmities, and uncurbed ambitions. Perhaps once the last has withdrawn to uninterrupted slumber – as so many have, or been slain, or interred – perhaps only then would accord come to those who may walk the lands in such a distant time.
Or perhaps not. Denuth was doubtful. If he had learned anything from observing these struggles it was that new generations arose to slavishly take up the prejudices and goals of the old. A sad premonition of the future. He sat on the shore and crossed his legs – a heap of rock no different from the tumbled broken wreckage surrounding him. This unending strife of all against all wearied him. Why must they contend so? Was it truly no more than pettiness and childish prickliness, as Kilmandaros suggests? He would consider what it might take to end these eternal cycles of violence. And he would consult with Mother. It would, he imagined, take some time to find an answer. Should there be any.

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:34 PM

so, just to clarify:

The Mother Denuth is referring to would have to be Burn, or some earlier form of her, correct?
I mean, he could be referring to MD, but I strugle to make the "dark"-"earth" connection..
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View PostJump Around, on 23 October 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:

And I want to state that Ment has out-weaseled me by far in this game.

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:04 PM


- Abyss, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:14 PM


Oh by the way i agree with kud13 the Mother of the Child of Earth would be Burn or an earlier manifestation of her or maybe another ascendent like Burn

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:33 PM

I've only read this small prologue and Liossercal might already be my favorite ascendant.

I wonder how many "beings" assisted Lios and what power they carried.

Denuths talk of mothers and fathers confuses me. It doesn't fit very well with what we've heard so far of the rest of the Elder Pantheon.

If mother really is Burn or Burns predecessor, who is the father? When I think of land as the mother I would think of the sea as the father, but I don't think Mael fathered an Elder God.

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:36 PM

oooo... this is nice indeed
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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:38 PM

I'm interested in Denuth. Specifically his name... Denul?

I always assumed some sort of link between Denul and Tennes ever since GotM when we found out Brood was a High Mage of Denul. Is this some sort of confirmation of that I wonder.
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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:52 PM

GodDAMN, Osserc's awesome.
Hello, soldiers, look at your mage, now back to me, now back at your mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped being an unascended mortal and switched to Sole Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a warren with the High Mage your cadre mage could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an acorn with two gates to that realm you love. Look again, the acorn is now otataral. Anything is possible when your mage smells like Sole Spice and not a Bole brother. I’m on a quorl.

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 06:59 PM

You think it's Osserc, Illy? The Tusks make me think not.

I've always wanted to believe that Osserc was older than the tiste races and he was something different. But if it is Osserc, wouldn't he already then had taken on the likeness of a Liosan? Like we see in MT and HoC. If Liossercal is Osserc, then he's mellowed out a lot since the elder time when we meet him in HoC.

I'm guessing that with Lios approach to the world, he didn't survive the elder times and was either destroyed, dragnipured or chained and burried.


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 07:05 PM

Why not? Mael's appearance in the prlogue of MT made him look like a boiled crab so why could Osserc not have tusks? ;)

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 07:09 PM

It does make you firstly think of Jaghut, but that may be just an assumption we're intended to make - it's not stated specifically, so I see no reason why Liossercal can't be Osserc. It would fit in ideally with Anomandaris, and other now-shortened names.
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Posted 13 May 2008 - 07:11 PM

Oh that is fantastic......Wonderful....

So Draconus was both the consort and the ruler of Night.....WOW....Would that mean that he was the Consort to MD before Tiam?
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
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Posted 13 May 2008 - 07:13 PM

It would seem that Tiam wasn't the only Skank...

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 03:23 AM

God damn Osseric is a bad mother. I don't see who else it could be.

Draconus sounds.......scary. That may sound silly but it makes me think Rake is even MORE of a bad ass now :eek:

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 09:52 AM

Zomg tytytytytyytytytytytytyytytyty!

I looked up Suzerain... it basically means a region or people is a tributary to a more powerful entity which allows the tributary some limited domestic autonomy to control foreign affairs. Kinda like Onearm's Host carrying out Laseen's will, but seeming unaffiliated. But look ye here- the more powerful entity is called the Suzerain.

Look.... I bet we find out Traveller ISN'T Dassem, despite overwhelming evidence, and we have the same thing here. I've got, as Fid would put it, a feeling.

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:19 AM

It seems like there was a group of entities attacking the Azath.

A savage smile of blunt canine tusks. “None. Best ask whom I set upon. Are there no others?”
“None I saw.”
The smile crooked down to a feral scowl. “All consumed then. Taken by the blast.”

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:23 AM

Wow! coolio

Great prolouge, where it'll fit into what im aware Rotcg is about i've no idea but it sounds promising.

As for liossercal being osserc, can't any way around it. He's a confirmed child of light and also refered to as 'Fathers first born' which makes him either osserc's big bro or osserc himself. Since 'osserc' makes up the bulk of the name and we know how the tiste son's like funky names that have to be shortened, it seems likely he is osserc.

But thats the boring bit. Draconus consort of darkness?? Would explain WHY he decided to create dragnipur, or at least why he took a personal interested in stopping the KCCM death spell while all the other elder gods looked the other way. Being MD's 'bit on the side' could make things more personal. We know MD shacked up with Taim, mabey Draconus hoped to win back favour by defeating the spell pointed in her direction. Maybe im jumping to conclusions rather fast.

What was REALLY interesting for me was not oonly did osserc have knowledge of what was going on inside dragnipur, what it was ment to do and the fact that it wouldn't work, but had ANOTHER idea to see off the closing chaos from darkness' gates.

I really feel that was the important part of the prolouge, osserc/liossercal was up to something that involved the possible busting up azath houses that was part of a grand scheme to drive away chaos.

I knew we know to little about azath but maybe I've missed something. Do the Azath link everything? For example, in NoK we know that to claim shadow, kel and dancer had to get into the azath house within the warren of shadow. Does anyone know what would happen if someone went into shadow and killed THAT house? Would it damage the warren permenantly?

I'm thinking maybe the Azath is what links all the warrens and the physical malazan world(burn?) together and if the azath link is smashed by destroying/killing the azath house in that warren, then said warren will be cut off from the rest. Would Chaos/stavarld demalain have a house of its own somewhere within it? Not the refugium one(i think that had a connection to chaos anyway). Could destroying seperate chaos from the rest of the world(s)?

Am I making things up purely to fuel my own speculation? Am I asking questions nobody has answers to ? ;)

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:25 AM

Oh and forgive the double post but THANKYOU VERY MUCH FOR THE PROLOUGE!!!

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 03:05 PM

Couple of things: The KCCM deathspell is an Edur myth. It could well be untrue.

Second, against the Dragnipur idea - Liossercal is exploring other options, one of them involving blowing up Azaths. He does not have another "solution" or any such thing.


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 03:44 PM

Im pretty sure the KCCM death spell has been confirmed from other sources, I could be getting my wires crossed.

However, weither by the death spell or not chaos is at MD's warrens door, dragnipur was created to drag the gate away from chaos. Liossercal points out the flaw draconus himself states in MoI and thus is exploring other options to achieve the same goal, keep chaos away from the warren of darkness. One of thoose options involved destroying Azath houses, which speedly brings me back to the ramblings in my original post

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